ViennaCC Launching Christmas Video
Online, December 12, 2012 ( - Austria based musician ViennaCC recorded the traditional Christmas song "Softly Falls Each Snow Flake" (Leise rieselt der Schnee) and produced a short music video showing impressions of the Christmas market in Vienna in wintry installations. The original song "Leise rieselt der Schnee" was written by Eduard Ebel, published 1895, as a child song.
ViennaCC: "We do not have much snow in Vienna, but outside the city in the mountains there is snow in winter time. Snow is connected with winter and Christmas time and maybe this year we will see a white Christmas in Vienna. The song is very popular in Austria and often sung on Christmas eve. That is why I wanted to record my personnel version of this song."
The video shot was taken at the biggest and most famous Christmas market in Vienna near Cityhall (Rathaus). ViennaCC wants to give impressions of Christmas in Vienna to the world. The video shows a few wintry scenes with fir trees, Christmas gifts and snowman. Every scene has a picture frame with videos showing the Viennese Christmas market.
In Austria usually Christkind is coming with presents. There is a post office in Steyr, called "Postamt Christkindl" and also on the Christmas market near Cityhall there is a small "Christkindl"-post office. Santa Claus is not as famous in Vienna. Nevertheless when you go through the streets you see red dressed Santa-men. In Austria we call Santa Claus "Weihnachtsmann" (Christmas-man). At the end of the video the message "Merry Christmas" is shown in more than 20 languages.
ViennaCC: "And that simply is my message: MERRY CHRISTMAS to the world!"
Every year ViennaCC publishes a rockversion of a Christmas song. Last year it was "Oh How Joyfully" (Oh du fröhliche).
Christmas video on YouTube:
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