Video Creation Mogul Says Businesses Should Take Advantage of Social Video Marketing

Daryn Zack has been marketing using videos since the beginning of YouTube and has helped thousands of businesses become more visible online through the use of videos.

Daryn Zack has been marketing using videos since the beginning of YouTube and has helped thousands of businesses become more visible online through the use of videos. He understands the power of video marketing and has personally seen what it can do for business. Zack has personally created thousands of videos that support everything from emerging artists to Fortune 500 companies and insists that videos have created millionaires. "All it takes is one creative video going viral and your ebook, service or product can sell thousands of units," stated Zack.

And we have all seen it. Videos posted on YouTube have garnered millions of video views. Creative memory videos have landed their producers major spots on media networks. Oprah has had dozens of creative video gurus on her show. Video marketing, for the most part, appears to pay off for those who utilize a guru such as Daryn Zack and his team at

When asked about the importance and return on investment of video marketing, Daryn Zack, founder of stated, "I have seen clients get thousands of video views and increase the traffic to their website. Clients who take the time to include videos on their websites see a higher conversion rate than those who don't have videos on their site. The statistics are there that show the importance of utilizing videos for marketing both on your site and off of your site. Social media such as YouTube, Facebook, Viddler and more allow you to distribute your video to potentially thousands of viewers. But what it really all comes down to is that people can easily share a video, they can send a link to you video. Everything is visual. People don't want to sit and read page after page of content. They want to know what you have to offer in 60 seconds or less."

When it comes down to it, we have only seen the beginning of what is to come with video, but now is the time to determine your video brand identity and begin working with a video creation team that understands your company and your values. Zack and his team at have many clients that are on a weekly video creation plan simply because they know that they more they post online, the more videos views they will receive, the more business they will get.

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3353 Partridge St
Deltona, FL
