Vibrant Nation Free Report Gives Expert And Inspiring Advice About How To Remove Negativity In Life For Women Over 50

Free download report chronicles one Boomer woman's personal journey to remove gossip and negativity from her life in 90 days

For years, Vibrant Nation members have been exchanging tips about how to challenge, rediscover, and reinvent themselves after 50. Recently, one Boomer woman decided she had had enough negativity in her life and challenged herself to change that - in 90 days. She began chronicling and sharing her personal journey away from negativity and gossip with daily posts on, unnoticed at first by others in the Vibrant Nation community but soon with quite a following of supportive women over 50, offering advice and cheering her on.

Now these daily progress posts have been gathered together in a free report, written in plain English, about the journey and benefits of shedding negativity after 50. My 90-Day No Negativity Challenge: How one vibrant Boomer woman shed negativity and changed her life in 90 days is a free publication written by blogger, Watermusic, to chronicle the inspiring and personal journey which changed her life.

In this special report, My 90-Day No Negativity Challenge: How one vibrant Boomer woman shed negativity and changed her life in 90 days, learn why Watermusic challenged herself to 90 days of no negativity, 3 habits that counter negativity, and how she learned to "enjoy the gifts of the day in all their flawed glory." Share her candid personal revelations as part of her daily journey away from negativity - wrestling with, and growing from, disappointing friendships, difficult coworkers, failed romances, the emotional scars of childhood, the crisis in U.S. public education, even the aftermath of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. And discover her advice for the top 10 tips for keeping free of negativity in the long term.

Vibrant Nation is the leading online community for women 50+ - the safe place where midlife women can connect with other women like themselves on issues unique to their stage of life. And it's a community for vibrant
women only. In addition to Special Reports, Vibrant Nation publishes conversations and weblogs about a variety of topics, from work & money, to fashion & beauty, from love & sex, to family & relationships. is the reliable online source for information, inspiration and peer support for 50 million women over 50.

Everything about a woman's life after 50 is part of the ongoing conversation at, including how to challenge, rediscover, and reinvent lives after 50. Because Vibrant Nation members and contributors look to their peers for information and support about the things that matter most at midlife, Vibrant Nation editors produced this helpful Special Report to share a member of the community's best advice on how to shed negativity and improve life after 50.

Download this free Vibrant Nation Special Report at My 90-Day No Negativity Challenge: How one vibrant Boomer woman shed negativity and changed her life in 90 days Share the inspiring journey of one woman's personal growth and spiritual deepening after 50 as she challenged herself to remove negativity and gossip from her life.

About is the leading online community devoted exclusively to the influential and fast-growing demographic of smart, successful women over 50. At Vibrant Nation, these women (whom we've named "Vibrant Women") can look for tips, share information, and join smart conversations about work, style, relationships, wellness, books, and more.