VertaMedia Offers a Competitive Solution for Connected TV Developers

VertaMedia's solution provides numerous benefits to monetize Connected TV applications to add additional revenue to the developers' top line

According to the official Samsung announcement the company has suspended their in-app advertising program. This has caused many difficulties to the Samsung Smart TV developers, who were able to monetize their applications since the beginning of 2012. Experts find many reasons for the program's failure. One reason is the publishers' desire to monetize their apps across different platforms without revenue sharing with platform operators, while Samsung has been putting substantial limits on these options.

VertaMedia, a well-recognized ad network with cross-channel advertising options, is launching a new solution for Connected TV developers who have lost their additional revenue source. With VertaMedia, developers have the chance to monetize their apps with different platforms allowing for high profit, compared to the earlier existing option offered by Samsung. The publishers of Connected TV apps are afforded numerous benefits. These benefits include increased revenue, audience engagement, worldwide coverage, competitive bidding, real-time detailed statistics and flexible payment terms, just to name a few. The company has a wide variety of direct advertisers in a broad range of verticals with advanced customer support. This allows for the desired results to be easily and quickly achieved.

apps monetization

Ganna Koicheva, Marketing Manager

VertaMedia CEO Alex Bornyakov said, "Connected TV is the new era source of audience engagement. We believe that it will keep its tendency to grow fast. We are thrilled that our company is a part of this innovative system and, thus, we work hard to maintain our clients' business success."


About VertaMedia

VertaMedia combines with its client’s to create a sophisticated approach to innovative solutions and day-to-day hard work. This results in redefining excellence in online advertising. The company specializes in Search, Display, Social, and Video online marketing and shows competitive performance indicators both for advertising and monetizing. VertaMedia owns a self-serve platform that is integrated with numerous DSPs and SSPs. With a large pool of direct publishers and advertisers, VertaMedia has stable traffic flow and offers a competitive bidding environment.