Veronica Radner's New Book 'Chance Encounter' is a Captivating Pursuit for a Better Life After Numerous Wrong Decisions

Veronica Radner, a wife, mother, grandmother, a world traveler, and an avid cook, has completed her most recent book “Chance Encounter”: a gripping and potent account of a woman who chases a new life that will bring her the security and the dream that she long wanted to have.

Veronica writes, “Growing up without the love of her parents, Dana Terrell jumped at love the first time it came around. A mistake that could have been fatal. With the help of wonderful friends, Dana was able to escape what turned out to be an abusive marriage and make a life for herself and her daughter in Montana. A move that earned her a rewarding career, new friends, and thanks to a brief meeting at work, a chance for love.

"Singing has always been a part of Dana’s life, something she dreamed about but never pursued until a talent show changed everything. The decision to follow her dream and secure a future for her and her child was made easier when the chance at love abruptly ended. With the support of family, she and her daughter were off to Broadway to pursue a new life, a life that would give her the future and security she had always yearned for.

"Gaining her confidence not only as a singer but also as a person, Dana proved herself. A performance that was seen by a talent scout brought her to London, performing on the West End, something she never imagined could happen. A new play, a new home, and a friendship that grew into the future that she always dreamed of.”

Published by Fulton Books, Veronica Radner’s book is a profound novel that will definitely captivate the hearts of everyone as one woman slowly gets back up from the terrible choices she made in her past. The story of Dana Terrell is a tale of family, romance, parenthood, and long-withheld aspirations.

Readers who wish to experience this stirring work can purchase “Chance Encounter” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Gregory Reeves via email at or via telephone at 877-210-0816.

Source: Fulton Books