Ventureneer Show Nonprofits, Small Businesses How to Set Themselves Apart from the Competition

Small businesses must know who they are to target their marketing. Find out how it's done in free webinar.

What makes one organization different from the other? Knowing the answer to that question defines the target market and focuses communication on the right audience. Ventureneer's free webinar, Marketing Starts with Clear Messaging: Learn How to Uncover Who You Are and Stand Out From the Crowd, will show small business leaders how to identify their organization's unique position in the market and communicate that to all stakeholders, from consumers to investors.

"A clear vision of what your organization stands for is the first step in generating a clear marketing message aimed at the right audience," said Geri Stengel, founder of Ventureneer.

What an organization stands for and why it matters in the marketplace will change over time as the economy, marketing tactics, and customer needs shift. But, often, organizations don't see that change or take it into account when communicating with stakeholders.

In this free online seminar, participants will learn to bring together their organization's history, aspirations, and changes into a Big Idea, a statement of what sets the organization apart from others.

The webinar will be presented by Bill Anderson and Jocelyn Lucas Rosenberg, principals at Chelsea Media Group, who together have more than 50 years experience in advertising, media, innovation and emerging technology. CMG's focus is helping organizations identify a clear and unique market niche from which to deliver consistent and distinct products, services and communication.

The free webinar will take place on Wednesday, March 28, 1-2 pm ET,

The webinar is high-energy and inspiring, designed to challenge thinking and uncover fresh ideas. It will be revealing and motivating.

For more information or to register for this free webinar, to go

About the Presenters:
Jocelyn Lucas Rosenberg is creative director/partner at Chelsea Media Group ( For 20 years, she was as an advertising and marketing strategist and creative. This experience honed her ability to recognize the unique perspective of each client and fostered her ability to nurture innovation and integration. She is deft at finding the essence of a story and helping others use this as the basis for their own communications. She is a dynamic speaker and a very good listener, with the ability to bring large groups together and focus them on a common goal. Jocelyn creates highly engaging and effective workshops, learning sessions, and experiential trainings. Having worked with companies, from airlines to healthcare, nonprofits to Fortune 500 businesses, she is truly industry agnostic. Her ability to see a clear path for change is the essence of the strategy and breakthrough thinking that CMG brings to clients.

Bill Anderson, managing partner at Chelsea Media Group, has more than 30 years of senior management experience, leading media companies and advising early and growth-stage companies in the new media space. He led The Atlantic Monthly as president and publisher among other distinguished publications. He has helped such publishers as Time Inc., Hachette and Hearst develop ROI strategies to ensure profitable relationships with customers across the various print and new media communication channels by leveraging and managing content and highlighting brand strength. As founder of Powers Solutions, he developed proprietary web-based event management solutions to reduce organizational costs and optimize sponsor revenue for events. He cofounded the Nonprofit Sponsorship Network to bring revenue from luxury goods and financial advertisers to arts and cultural nonprofits in the form of email driven ad sponsorships. Bill brings a background rich in experience from working with a broad cross section of organizations to help them meet their strategic marketing, communications and revenue goals.