Vantage Co. Making Horizontal Transition Into New Industries

Leaders at Vantage Co. are spearheading efforts to expand their influence into untapped markets. Nikou, the director of operations for the company, explained the benefits and importance of this move.

“All businesses, whether they produce a product or provide a service, thrive on growth,” stated Nikou. “Investing in research and development, product marketing, and expansion aren’t options. They are absolutely necessary for a business to endure for any length of time.”

With this mind-set, Nikou is proud to announce that Vantage Co.’s services are expanding and saturating new markets for brands in the telecommunications and beauty industries. Also, the team will be partnering with several new Fortune 500 companies that fall within the parameters of the firm’s existing portfolio.

"Flexibility is one of the great strengths of our marketing approach."

Nikou , Director of Operations

“Flexibility is one of the great strengths of our marketing approach. I believe dynamic promotions can be used to market just about any product or service more effectively than traditional advertising techniques. Eventually, I believe the professionals at Vantage Co. will have the know-how and resources to represent an endless variety of brands,” Nikou declared.

The Director of Vantage Co. Discusses the Advantages of Expansion

While there are certainly risks associated with charting new territory, Nikou believes the benefits of branching out into new industries far outweigh the potential drawbacks. For example, new promotions require new associates. While the onboarding and training processes can be both arduous and costly, they also provide Vantage Co. with access to fresh ideas and the enthusiasm of eager young professionals looking to make their marks.

Along with new associates, there are also benefits from broadening the firm’s reach. New markets mean new audiences for both the brands Vantage Co. represents and for the brand ambassadors who make the firm’s interactive marketing approach so effective. “When we branch out like this, a whole different set of eyes sees us in action. There is no better way for us to tell company leaders about the effectiveness of our approach than to let them see us in action, marketing other products and services,” Nikou claimed.

Finally, saturating new markets gives Nikou and her team the chance to consider relocating their headquarters to a more central location, or even opening more than one office. “The further away from home base we get, the more challenges our people face. I want everyone on the Vantage Co. team to feel connected and confident at all times, so I’m going to make sure our office – or offices – are positioned appropriately. This is an exciting time for us, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds!”

About The Vantage Co.

The Vantage Co. specializes in dynamic promotions that provide innovative solutions to businesses seeking growth in new regions. By combining strategic planning with flawless execution, their highly-trained team of brand ambassadors develops campaigns that reach a targeted audience, resulting in stronger customer loyalty and increased revenues. Their history of industry success has allowed them to work with some of the largest retailers in the nation, and their flexible approach means they can adapt to fit any marketing objective. To learn more about how The Vantage Co. consistently offers exciting opportunities to clients and their customers, please visit