V&N Cellars Top 20 at WineStars World's 1st International Wine Buyer´s Competition

V&N Cellars was selected a top 20 finalist (number 12) at Winestars World's 1st International Wine Buyer´s Competition with its Barcelona brand, being the only Spanish wine Brand in the top 20. Prowein, Germany.

V&N Cellars was selected a top 20 finalist (number 12) at Winestars World's 1st International Wine Buyer´s Competition with its Barcelona brand, being the only Spanish wine Brand in the top 20. Prowein, Germany.

"We are very proud of our performance", mentions Silvia Camacho, founder of V&N Cellars "Some judges have shown interest in our Brand, so it is a great chance to find new partners to grow the V&N experience accross Europe "

The wineries were first judged on the wine's overall production and logistics strategy, its label, wine quality, its story and marketing plans, and price. The panel of judges reduced the entire field down to 20 finalists. After the tasting conducted on Sunday March 24h.

The judges comprise Justin Howard Sneyd, Direct Wines (UK & Global); Lynne Coyle, O'Briens (Ireland's best retail chain); Pawel Swaider, Grand Cru/Dobre Wina (Poland); Alexander Khatiashvili, Simple (Russia); Felix Christen Winiconsult Wine&More (Switzerland); Josh Wesson (USA); Madeleine Jendryssek, wine buyer at Hewesko (Germany) and the winner of the 2011 Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year award at the 2011 Fast Growth Business Awards, Nicko Williamson.

Wine-Stars is the brainchild of Catherine Monahan, Clink Wines, and Robert Joseph, well-known wine critic in the UK. An innovative idea described as being "a cross between Dragon´s Den and X-factor", by the UK press.

"Winestars World has become a platform, for helping not only small, medium and large sized wineries, but also UK and global importers who collaborate with wineries to create smart market-researched brands. The focus is on creating long-term business relationships, sustainable wine plans and ultimately, sales, making it a win-win for everyone." That is how the event was described by founder and chief Catherine Monahan at the Dusseldorf Prowein.

V&N Cellars mission is to market high-impact, global wine brands through social technology and innovative ecommerce platforms in cooperation with distribution partners in rapidly growing export markets.

The V&N Collection is the result of years of searching for the right wines, regions and winemakers to deliver exceptional wines at affordable prices. But the wines are only half the picture, V&N is also about experience and is inspired by the Mediterranean lifestyle with Barcelona as its home. Its all about sharing these experiences and having the wines only a few clicks away.

Here is the list of the top 20 finalists:

1. Aaldering Vineyards, South Africa,

2. Quinta do Popa , Portugal

3. Torre do Frade, Portugal

4. Villa Brici, Slovenia

5. Companhia Douro,Portugal

6. Routhier & darricarrere, fab Brazil brand

7. Diemersdal ‪Sauvignon

8. Elephant Hill, fab NZ

9. Terra Austral, Chile

10. Vallerosa Bonci

11. Cape Legends Gr8 Escape

12. V&N Cellars

13. Treasury Estate Black Grape Society

14. Free Run Wines

15. Springvale Wine

16. Bodegas Sottano

17. Cloof

18. Blind Corner

19. Carnaval Brazil

20. Ehrmanns and Sayang