Use Of Social Media In The New Business Model

Online space has become a major advertising area and companies have started developing and implementing focused online advertising strategies

In trying to build an online brand and developing an executive training and development vertical, which will predominantly be delivered online, it is very critical for us to get our online branding and marketing campaigns hit the right notes.

Online space has become a major advertising area and companies have started developing and implementing focused online advertising strategies. Companies have realized that today online advertising given you the option of very focused and targeted advertising, demographically and geographically.

The first step in our social media planning is to segment our target audience demographically and geographically. To carefully select the profile of people who would be interested in taking our programs and wanting to take the jump in their professional careers. This segmentation was done on the basis of their age, their job profile, their salary bracket etc. After this segmentation, the next segmentation was done geographically. Taking into consideration what level of face-to-face interaction we want with our students, in the first phase we have selected to target students from the Delhi NCR area.

Our next step is to choose the right social media tools. There are wide arrays of social media tools to choose from and the task can be confusing. But since we had all your data analyzed, and our content strategy was in place, it was very easy for us to choose the right tools.

The next step involved Search engine optimization of our website. The basic strategy is to directed in such a fashion that our website starts appearing in the top of the searched based on certain keywords that we thought were relevant for our product. This was done by working on the content of our website, the keywords and the meta tags of our websites. We choose about 25 to 30 keywords and made our content relevant to that.

In addition to the above, we started blogging and uploading articles about our programs, about our methodology etc. This way a positive word of mouth has been created about our product and our website has also started featuring on the top in the search results.

In the next phase, we planned our social media marketing strategies which included marketing on social networking sites like Facebook and LinkedIn. These platforms helped us in generating very focused and targeted leads based on demographics and geography. This strategy works as a very good branding exercise more than anything else.
The last step in our marketing strategy was the direct email campaigns. These emails helped us convert our prospective leads into sales.
In the end I just want to add that although the social media strategy can be very exclusive in focused marketing but it has to be inclusive to your overall marketing strategies.

-- The article is written and edited by Mr. Shobhit Goyal, Founder of SEEDS education.