Use of Electronic Cigarettes Rise Amongst Teens
Online, October 2, 2013 ( - The number of teens using electronic cigarettes are rising due to the fact that not every state has adopted a law to regulate the age restriction to purchase the product. This topic is all over the media with a negative look being placed on the electronic cigarette industry. But is the e-cig industry the bad guy because teens are purchasing this device at retailers? Advocates for e-cigarettes say no.
Manufacturers of electronic cigarettes have been publicly supporting the fact that regulations need to be placed on a federal level that protect minors from purchasing the product. Clearette strongly supports and is an advocate for all regulation and legislation that prevents anyone 18 and under being sold electronic cigarettes. Clearette shows their support by having age verification on their website and will not sell e-cigarettes to minors on line in any state. Clearette consumer's safety and protection comes first, along with the products safety standards.
The industry can not be held responsible for retailers selling to minors at their local stores. Many retailers have come forward to say even though there is no regulation in their state they implement the age restriction anyway, unfortunately this is not done by all retailers.
The FDA needs to come back with an age limit on the product, however, this should not place a negative look on the purpose of the electronic cigarette. The electronic cigarette was designed to give smokers an alternative that is safer than smoking tobacco cigarettes. More focus needs to be placed on the intentions of electronic cigarettes so the device can be treated fairly.
About Clearette
Clearette Electronic Cigarettes offers you a realistic alternative to smoking tobacco products. Our e-cig creates a tar and carcinogen-free vapor, which provides the taste and feel of a traditional cigarette without the harmful tobacco smoke, smell, or ash. In addition to being high in quality, Clearette is also an affordable e-cig. Clearette e-cigs are available online and retailer's nationwide. Clearette e-cigs are available in a variety of flavors with or without nicotine, including e-hookah, to meet every customer's needs. Clearette has harnessed innovative technology to deliver an e-cig that consumers will love, and back our product with competitive pricing, strong customer service team, and an outstanding reputation in the industry. For more information, please visit