Use Animation To Spruce Up Corporate Video

Looking for a corporate video to spruce up a business? Animation is not only an excellent alternative to live action, but also a method capable of showcasing concepts that don't even exist yet.

KEYWEST VIDEO - Many companies are utilizing corporate video as a means of promoting themselves, especially through website video. However, an alternative to the mainstream live-action videos is the possibly of 2D and/or 3D animation. Animation is no longer confined to the realm of childish cartoons and silly shorts. Animation of the 2D and 3D kind is becoming widespread and an ever-evolving tool for those in the video production industry. It allows for a high quality product that provides the client with flexibility, efficiency, and full control over the creation and execution of their vision. Maintaining flexibility, efficiency, and control are incredibly important to any business as there will undoubtedly be several individuals involved in the production of a company video, ensuring the right message, content, and image is portrayed.

-- Efficient

Animation can sometimes be more efficient in comparison to live action video. This is especially helpful if a business has fast-approaching deadlines and time constraints. Live action includes many elements, such as scripting, camera, lighting, sound, directing, talent, voiceover, editing, color correction, music, and any sort of logo animations or additional graphics. However, animation includes scripting, illustration, animation, voice-over, editing, music, and sound effects. Both have very similar elements, yet animation does not include the hassle of coordinating and booking talent and locations. Since there is much less pre-production involved, animation proves to be more efficient in terms of beginning the project much sooner than one including live action footage. If a business is looking for a hassle-free production, animation may be a better route.

-- Flexible

Animation also permits much more flexibility than live action productions. Flexibility may be an asset to a business if it's looking to play around with a few styles and types of animation. The client can include any and all sorts of elements in animation that generally would not be possible in the instance of a live action production. Most importantly, the element of flexibility allows animation to illustrate concepts that may not even exist yet. There is also flexibility in terms of styles, depending on the content that the business is interested in showcasing. The client may choose to utilize the traditional cartoon-like animation, whiteboard animation, infographic animation, 2D and 3D animation, or even a combination of these.

-- Adaptable

Not only does animation permit flexibility in terms of the concept and initial stages of corporate video production, the element of adaptability is present in all stages of the animation production. Animation allows for complete control over a vision. The client can tweak and modify as much of their animation as they would like without having to re-coordinate and re-shoot their production (as in the case of a live action video). In the event that the product changes or a decision is made to remove or incorporate something new, animation allows the client to perform such modifications much more easily than a live action production would. Nothing needs to be scheduled or arranged with other individuals as the client is in complete control of the entire process.¬¬¬

-- High Quality

A business needs to always be on the frontline of innovation. It is important to keep up with the ever-changing technology in this world and many live action videos soon become outdated in terms of video quality. With animation, video quality is no longer a concern. Animation provides a high quality look and feel, especially with the incorporation of 3D elements, and even more so if executed correctly by an experienced motion graphics artist. Animation can even be combined with high definition live action footage if necessary, depending on the look and feel desired by the client. A business will benefit from animation for a greater period of time.

-- Showcase non-existent concepts, inventions, prototypes, procedures, etc.

The most advantageous feature of animation is that it allows the client to showcase something that may not even be in existence as of yet. If a business has potential concepts, inventions, prototypes, procedures, etc. that would be otherwise nearly impossible to showcase in action/motion, animation is a great option for illustrating these. Animation can provide a visual element that never existed before and hopefully better illustrate a product or concept than before. Since the client controls everything seen on screen, they are able to illustrate what they want in the exact method they desire.

Animation is an excellent tool, especially if utilized wisely. If a business needs a great alternative to live action footage, animation is an excellent option. Check out our motion graphics artists at Keywest.

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