US Women's Chamber Endorses Lois Frankel for Congress Representing Florida's 22nd District

Washington, DC , August 25, 2014 ( - “The U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce ( is proud to announce the endorsement of Lois Frankel in the race for Florida’s 22nd Congressional District,” stated Margot Dorfman, CEO. “Lois Frankel is a proven, committed leader who consistently works to support the economic needs of her community.”
“Lois Frankel is a champion of women’s economic priorities, receiving a one-hundred percent rating from the U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce,” continues Dorfman. “Frankel supports a positive economic environment for women workers and business owners, American job creation, fair pay, a fair minimum-wage, family-friendly workplaces, access to affordable/quality healthcare and birth control, tax policies that support a vibrant middle class and access to capital and federal contracts for women-owned firms,” continues Dorfman.
"Lois Frankel is a positive force for women's economics in Congress. She works every day to strengthen the economic opportunities and securities of South Florida residents."
Margot Dorfman, CEO
Rep. Frankel believes raising the minimum wage is important stating, “A hard day’s work should mean a decent day’s pay.” She supports women’s access to birth control, “Access to birth control opens the doors to economic success for women – it directly correlates to women having higher educational attainment, career attainment and wages.” And Frankel is a well-respected leader for business growth revitalizing West Palm Beach and bringing jobs to South Florida. “Lois Frankel supports increased access to capital and federal contracts for women-owned firms,” adds Dorfman.
“Growing the number of strong women leaders in Congress is critical to assuring that women’s economic priorities are advanced,” adds Dorfman. “American prosperity is directly linked to the economic success of women. Seventy percent of women work and seventy-two percent of mothers work. A record forty percent of all households with children under eighteen include mothers who are either the sole or primary source of income for their family. Women own more than 590,000 Florida businesses employing more than 475,000 workers,” continues Dorfman.
“Lois Frankel is a positive force for women’s economics in Congress. She works every day to strengthen the economic opportunities and securities of South Florida residents,” concludes Dorfman.
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