Urban Events, Inc. Prepares Team for Networking Events

Urban Events, Inc.'s director of operations outlined the firm's efforts to build networking skills among team members. He also shared some strategies for making networking easier.

​Networking is a vital part of achieving lasting success in the business world these days. The leaders at Urban Events, Inc. understand this well, which is why the firm’s associates attend so many industry events. “We put our networking training to good use in a wide range of contexts,” stated Mike, the firm’s director of operations. “Our associates use best networking practices to build our firm’s list of beneficial contacts, and we are thankful for their efforts.”

Company leaders are focusing on networking in their training sessions. As the director explained, “We maintain a commitment to ongoing improvement in every area. This includes communication skills and networking abilities, which are probably more important than ever in our competitive industry. It really pays to have team members who can speak confidently and forge real connections with other top performers. I feel we have achieved that here at Urban Events, Inc., and we’re not about to stop producing skilled networkers.”

"People enjoy talking about themselves, so it's a good idea to ask open-ended questions that invite information,"

Mike, Director of Operations

Urban Events, Inc.’s Director of Operations Offers Strategies for Making Networking Easy

The leadership team at Urban Events, Inc. knows that networking comes more easily to some people than others. As Mike put it, “Not everyone feels comfortable going up to a stranger and starting a conversation. When you add the fact that a potential business relationship is at stake, networking can become an intimidating proposition. Thankfully, there are some simple ways to make the process a little easier, and I remind my team members of them on a routine basis.”

When preparing to attend an industry conference or related event, Mike encourages his team members not to show up too early for the day’s proceedings. As he explained, “You might think it would be better to get there when not too many people have arrived yet, but that can be a mistake. Although you’ll have a smaller group and perhaps a more intimate conversation, it won’t last. As more people filter in, the natural tendency is to see who they are. That leads to broken dialogue and distracted conversation partners.”

Once they identify someone with whom they want to connect, Mike advises his associates to listen more than they talk. “People enjoy talking about themselves, so it’s a good idea to ask open-ended questions that invite information,” he said. “It’s a great way to learn more about the other person’s company, and it will help you make a positive impression.”

About Urban Events, Inc.

Urban Events, Inc. is a firm specializing in the deployment of potent marketing solutions designed for the modern age. Using dynamic communication solutions that make immediate connections with receptive audiences, their approach surges past conventional indirect marketing channels, producing rapid brand exposure and measurable profit increases. The firm’s methods are highly flexible and adaptable, allowing them to be customized to both the needs of Fortune 500 brands and newly-launched companies alike. As a result of their impressive customer engagement techniques and outstanding professionalism, the firm has gained a reputation as the leading provider of promotional services in Davie, Florida. To discover how their unique approach is so effective, visit http://urbaneventsfl.com/.