Universal Web Engine - Another Landmark on the Internet

Search, email, chat, advertise and host your free website in 125 languages. No cost! No coding!

A great, novel, free Internet facility has been launched on http://www.simzim.com/ in the name of Universal Web Engine, enabling people all over the world to perform their daily web activities in their native languages, without depending on any language specific keyboards, fonts and special software installations on user computers. Launched recently on the internet domain, the universal web engine completely eliminates dependency on the English language for the non-English speaking.

Obviously a great boon and cause of celebration for the non-English speaking, especially for people from India and other Asian countries, the new web engine enables even a layman to best utilize the World Wide Web and Internet for his business expansion and career growth.

Universal Web Engine brings with it the new concept of Dynamic Language Menu Pads (DLMPs) for text generation in all non-English languages. Peer reviewed and patented in the Unites States, the concept has been recently implemented and unveiled to net users on the Internet domain simzim.com, enabling its users to generate text in as many as 125 world languages, almost all languages for which Unicode has been defined.

DLMPs of Universal Web Engine replace the current day techniques of transliteration for text generation in non-English languages, which often produces incorrect text and involves a trial-and-error process to yield the correct text. Further, transliteration demands users to memorize or refer to the mapping charts between the character sets of the English and the target language. DLMPs exclude this encumbrance and facilitate text generation through character look ups and typing through mouse operations.

Universal Web Engine introduces another great concept of Codeless Websites to the Internet users, which makes website hosting so easy that every individual and business owner can host his full-fledged, multiple page dynamic websites including general facilities such as Subscriber form, Login form, Send Page form, and Forgot Password form, along with the supporting code and back end database tables. All these facilities can be added by users to their websites without having any knowledge of script and programming languages such as HTML, JavaScript, ASP, Java, SQL and databases such as Oracle, MS SQL Server and MYSQL. The web engine system will do all the job for the websites, while the user is required only to define his content and look and feel of his website through a handful of control buttons provided on the design webpage.

Several individuals and small business owners from India and other parts of the world are ambitious of having their websites hosted but unable to do that unfortunately due to meager budget and lack of fluency in English. Now, with the advent of the new web engine, even a tailor, carpenter, hair dresser, dry cleaner, fruit seller, coffee shop runner, and every one can comfortably search the web, send emails, chat to friends, post business advertisements and host his own website in his native language, without depending on web developers, programmers and content writers, thereby saving lot of bucks and time.

The hosting domain http://www.simzim.com/ derives its name form the famous Alibaba's chanting mantra 'open simzim' for accessing the treasure dumped and locked by the forty thieves as told in the popular childhood story. The intellectual brain behind the new innovation and owner of the hosting domain, Mr. Cheman Shaik explains that his domain and the technology unlock the massive treasure of non-English content dumped on the Internet but unfortunately locked due to the lack of proper unlocking means and techniques. He further goes on saying that his domain will add several non-English inlets to the Internet, giving birth to millions of new websites, blogs, forums, and social networks in the Asian, Latin and Cyrillic languages.

Unfortunately, internet based business in Asia, Cheman Shaik says, is not as flourished as it is in the U.S and Europe due to the language barrier. As most of the websites are authored in English, the common buyer is unable to learn about the businesses, their products and services, thus narrowing down the traffic volumes and business transactions on the Internet. Considering these facts seriously, the Universal Web Engine has been launched on simzim.com with its mission to wide open the Internet to all non-English speakers and enable them to grow the content in their native languages at an exponential rate, thereby facilitating rapid growth of business and gain of knowledge.

Apart from Indians, simzim.com also serves those speaking Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Lao, Armenian, Georgian, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, Farsi, Pashto, Sindhi, Tajik, Thaana, Syriac, and all Latin and Cyrillic languages. The web engine provides free service to all those who desire to search the Internet, send emails, chat to friends, advertise business, and host websites in their native languages.

SimZim.com encourages business people, individuals, professionals, youngsters, students and every one to host their business, personal, professional, matrimonial, educational, friendship and networking websites. Website owners can also post their search engine advertisements, and define their search key words using which net surfers can view the advertisements and reach their websites, free of cost. The portal facilitates hosting of websites without having any independent registered domains. People can define their subdomains on simzim.com and host their websites over the sub domains. Those having independent registered domains also can also host their websites on simzim.com and yet make their websites directly accessible at the domain address, without reference to simzim.com, thereby saving expenses of their site development.

While encouraging the non-English speaking, simzim.com always welcomes the English speakers to utilize the portal for all their daily web internet activities.

For further details and clarification feel free to get in touch with :
Cheman Shaik
CEO, SimZim
Mobile: +91 9299855289
Email: welcome@simzim.com

Contact Address
Hyderabad 500028

About SimZim

SIMZIM 12-2-39/3
Mehdipatnam Hyderabad 500028,
