Universal Web Consulting Helps Small Businesses Build Trust Through Online Marketing

According to a new study, e-commerce and social media websites offer better security and privacy than government and banking websites. Universal Web Consulting is one company that helps businesses grow through these online marketing resources.

For many shoppers, the practice of purchasing through the Internet can always raise red flags. Especially with the heightened focus on identity theft in recent years, many are wary to provide addresses, names and credit card information through online retailers. However, a recent Wall Street Journal article indicates that such cautious consumers can find comfort in the fact that social media websites and e-commerce companies are rated with the highest security ratings. Universal Web Consulting is a company that has helped many small businesses establish an online presence through these utilities, but notes that such security concerns have always made retailers nervous about establishing trust among their customers.

According to the article, on June 6th, the Online Trust Alliance (OTA) released its fourth annual Online Trust Honor Roll that recognizes a variety of industries and their adherence to adopting privacy and security measures through key website technologies. Following a list of ten best practices and using composite analysis the study found that thirty percent of leading e-commerce sites and fifty percent of social media sites qualified for the honor. Only twenty percent of FDIC sites qualified - these were the lowest scores in the results.

Universal Web Consulting believes that these security measures are vital to establishing a solid customer base; if a customer has reason to doubt a retailer's security or has had a bad experience, they may not buy products. The company teaches small businesses how to adapt to online marketing techniques, whether that involves utilizing e-commerce sites, such as eBay, advertising through social networks or designing a unique web site to attract customers. According to the company, online marketing is a great way to share a product with a wider customer base, but unfortunately bad practices can alienate shoppers and prevent them from returning or trying new retailers.

The article notes Twitter has one of the highest scores in the study. The OTA commends Twitter for its new support of Do Not Track privacy preferences and commitment to self-regulation. Twitter security chief, Bob Lord is honored by the OTA recognition, but says the website is still committed to improving security. Twitter is one of the many social media outlets that Universal Web Consulting instructs its clients on how to use. The company states that if a business relies on Twitter to promote products or services, they can now rest assured that they are dealing with a trustworthy outlet.

Universal Web Consulting emphasizes that for retailers that choose to establish their own web sites or online stores it is important for them to observe the listed best practices in the article. The online educational resource cites improving SSL server security, utilizing privacy best practices and engaging in email authentication as ways to establish a trustworthy web presence.


Universal Web Consulting is an online educational resource for business owners who want to learn how to make the most of online marketing tactics. Designed from expertise of some of the leading experts in online marketing, the enterprise has designed a varied curriculum that focuses on many areas of e-commerce. With easy-to-understand lessons that are provided through videos, articles and other methods, users can learn at their own convenience and at a quick pace.