United Receive 787 Delivery - Asahi Associates.

Asahi Associates - United Airlines is the first U.S. carrier to receive delivery of Boeing's new 787 Dreamliner.

United Airlines became the first U.S. carrier to get the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner. A spokesman for United reportedly claimed to Asahi Associates that flights will begin on November 4th, including United hubs such as Houston and Chicago. Japan Airlines already uses the 787 on its Boston to Tokyo route, however United will provide the first domestic routes. All Nippon Airways will also begin U.S. based 787 flights in the near future.

The 787 has been beset with years of delays, however Boeing has begun delivering several each month. There are over 800 787s on order, so in time they will be encountered regularly by passengers. The 787 is relatively small for a long haul aircraft, seating 219 passengers, but it makes it ideal for routes that have struggled to fill the larger 747s and 777s.

The United spokesman also commented to Asahi Associates that they will be flying their plane from Seattle to Houston to begin preparing it for passenger flights. Japan airline will also be adding to their Boston to Tokyo 787 route by the end of the year, adding the 787 to its San Diego to Tokyo route.

Boeing claim that the 787 will provide a much more cost efficient option for carriers, in the main by being 20 percent more fuel efficient. They also promise a better passenger experience by providing better lighting, more space and a more comfortable air conditioned environment.

All Nippon Airways of Japan were the first carrier to receive the 787, and they begin flights between Seattle and Tokyo next week. Air Nippon allegedly stated to Asahi Associates that they will begin 787 flights between Tokyo's Narita airport and San Jose.