UNISTREAM Launches App for Money Transfers From Cards Issued by All Banks

UNISTREAM Money Transfers app offers fast and convenient instant money transfers to Russia, CIS, Georgia and other countries from VISA, Mastercard/Maestro and MIR payment cards issued by any banks with cash pickups in any UNISTREAM locations.

UNISTREAM launched its Money Transfers app to simplify UNISTREAM money transfers from payment cards. The app allows saving several payment cards, creating recipient lists, and viewing transfer history and status of individual transfers. It uses push notifications to inform the senders when the transfers are picked up.

“We were trying to rely on the latest mobile trends in the financial industry and wanted to make the most convenient and safest app for our clients. It supports fingerprint authentication and a geolocation service helping to find the nearest UNISTREAM pickup locations, allows saving several payment cards, reviewing transfer status and creating recipient templates, and offers other advanced services. The app is available in the Russian and English languages. It marks another step in development of UNISTREAM online payment ecosystem,” says Kirill Palchun, Chairman of the Management Board of UNISTREAM BANK.

The new mobile app further improves the quality and convenience of UNISTREAM online services. The initial version of the app supports money transfers to 23 countries. Money can be picked up at any UNISTREAM or partner location immediately after sending.

The second version of the app will support additional recipient countries and payout currencies. Future app releases will add functionality based on UNISTREAM client needs.

The app is available for download from App Store and Google Play Market.


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