Unique New Kindle-book: Savory Chili Recipes, Hearty Soup Recipes

If you cringe when you hear the words "What's for dinner"... Have you considered using low cost recipes of soups/chili to serve your family or guests healthy, hearty, meals... money saving recipes like in this Kindle book...

With the 'food revolution' we are going through these days, combined with our 'tough economic times', its becoming more and more challenging to come up with healthy meal ideas. This has prompted many to seek out low cost recipes, such as hearty soup recipes, and savory chili recipes to s t r e t c h the family food budget in their quest to provide healthy, money saving meals.

A unique new Kindle-book of soup and chili recipes "You can... Serve Savory Chili and Soups to Your Family and Guests - Recipes and Tips: Your 'Key' to Healthy Eating and S t r e t c h i n g Your Food Budget" authored by Charli-Anne Supora has just been released, and is available at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005A74URM. It can be a highly useful aid to meal planning, and does provide many money saving recipes, and tips. This is a slightly modified version of the .pdf ebook recipes found at http://www.soupsandchili.com/ebooksoupsandchili.html which contains the same number of savory chili recipes, hearty soup recipes, and section with cooking tips (297 recipes including a variety of healthy soup stock recipes).

Supora states, "It isn't so much the recipes themselves which make this book unique, but rather the way I've presented them, using easy to read typefaces, comprehensive links from its indexes, and the beautiful, custom art-work of my illustrator, Li Zhang. I've displayed Li's truly stunning watercolor portraits of food at the beginning of many of the recipes, plus in the ebook version have created a special food art gallery featuring full page layouts of her work"

Those who'd like to enjoy additional food-art, or learn more about the artist can browse her food art gallery at http://www.soupsandchili.com/Li_food_art_paintings/stunning-food-art-paintings.html.

The author avows, "In my opinion, while still a mystery to science - Grandma's chicken soup seems to work wonders on sick children and adults alike. Plus, it is my firm belief most families who eat soups of all kinds - not just Grandma's Chicken Soup - tend to live better, healthier lives."

And, with this Kindle-book/ebook there are sooo many hearty soup and savory chili recipes one wouldn't run out of tasty dinner ideas for a VERY long while.

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Trum Metchi & Associates
30W 205 Argyll Ln
Naperville, IL
