Understand Your Business Better

OBASHI Ltd has launched new software to automate its revolutionary business modelling methodology which fundamentally addresses the key issues behind the failure of IT enabled business change, meaning better run businesses and billions of savings.

Software Launch Marks Major Milestone For Revolutionary OBASHI Methodology

OBASHI Ltd has launched new individual user software which automates its breakthrough business modelling approach; the OBASHI Methodology, which was launched last year, in partnership with APMG, the Official Accreditor of the Office of Government Commerce.

Professor Jim Norton, President of the British Computer Society, who wrote the foreword for the OBASHI Methodology manual, believes that OBASHI -

"..addresses directly the key issues behind the underperformance of Information & Communications Technology (ICT) enabled business change."

With Workgroup and Enterprise level suites already developed, OBASHI Ltd decided to launch an individual user option first to ensure that larger organisations had a low cost opportunity to quantify the benefits OBASHI could deliver whilst smaller consultancies could cost effectively make an immediate difference for their clients.

Fergus Cloughley, CEO of OBASHI, states that OBASHI has broad global relevance -

"ICT underpins almost every aspect of modern business life. OBASHI software allows you to dynamically map and model how technology supports your people and processes and to identify, value and manage how data flows between them. OBASHI helps you understand the big picture of how your business really works which means you can design, optimise and monitor it better. Every business can benefit from the increased clarity that OBASHI creates."

What makes OBASHI software unique is that OBASHI has overcome the constraints of the "column to column join" of the traditional RDBMS. Paul Wallis, CTO of OBASHI, explains -

"We discovered early on in our software development that the "column to column join" was a huge constraint. We required a far more granular and flexible way to relate assets & data. We invented six new relationship types or ways to relate information, enabling a 'tuple to tuple' join to be created at any stage in the modelling process, with no programming required. Each type of relationship works in a particular way, giving implicit and explicit meaning to the OBASHI model."

For more information on OBASHI or for a free trial of their software visit www.obashi.co.uk

Notes to Editors
OBASHI® is a breakthrough in Business and Information Technology thinking that enables organisations to clearly see how their business actually works facilitating better decisions as a result.
OBASHI allows the creation of visual maps that show:
• how the business works
• the assets that make it work
• the interdependencies between those assets

With OBASHI organisations can design, monitor and optimise their business better; in a way which is easy to understand and, more importantly, easy to communicate across the rest of the business.

About OBASHI Ltd

