Ultimate Marketing LLC's Partner Enjoys Trip to Fiji

Ultimate Marketing LLC leaders emphasize travel as a key part of the firm's developmental approach. The company's Partner recently went on a rewarding trip to Fiji with leaders from all corners of the peer-to-peer marketing industry.

​When it comes to travel opportunities, retreats to exotic locales tend to be the most coveted. Jerry S., Ultimate Marketing LLC’s Partner, recently went on an all-expenses-paid trip to Fiji with the top industry influencers. While there, he exchanged successful insights with business leaders from across the nation.

Jerry explained, “The point of this excursion was to have a nice getaway and show appreciation for all the high-achieving leaders in our industry. We stayed in gorgeous waterfront bungalows and had plenty of time to relax. There was a fishing excursion, snorkeling, and lots of swimming in the ocean.” Those who attended were able to bring their significant others along as well. “Overall, it was a great chance to have a good time with other successful individuals. It was a very high honor to be invited on this trip because you have to be one of the very best in the nation to attend.”

"One of the best things about traveling is the fact that it gives you a fresh outlook on the work you do every day. I definitely brought some fresh insights back from the Fiji trip, and I know they'll be valuable for our biggest Ultimate Marketing LLC objectives."

Jerry, Partner

The learning potential of this type of getaway is significant. Jerry stated, “There’s something about being in a laid-back setting that makes discussing best practices even easier. During the Fiji trip, I talked about emerging techniques and reliable strategies for success with a variety of innovators. It was an invigorating experience, and I returned to the Ultimate Marketing LLC office ready to take on new challenges.”

Ultimate Marketing LLC’s Partner on the Value of Business Travel

Company leaders appreciate the many benefits that come with venturing far from the office. They send the firm’s event managers to conferences, retreats, and networking events throughout the year so they can broaden their horizons. Jerry stated, “One of the best things about traveling is the fact that it gives you a fresh outlook on the work you do every day. I definitely brought some fresh insights back from the Fiji trip, and I know they’ll be valuable for our biggest Ultimate Marketing LLC objectives.”

Travel also has a way of building adaptability, which is an essential trait in a rapidly changing business world. Jerry commented, “There are certainly some twists and turns to be expected when you go to a far-flung destination. Flight delays, itinerary changes, and other unexpected occurrences test your mettle in ways that always seem to pay off on the job.”

About Ultimate Marketing LLC

Ultimate Marketing, LLC. rallies the support of socially-conscious individuals to benefit the community through nonprofit organizations that equip America’s youth with the tools and information they need to make smart and healthy life choices. The team’s on-site outreach campaigns are the channels they use to grab the attention of people and get them talking! The firm’s work furthers the movement for social good to make the greatest possible impact on the community, and to secure the outcome of our tomorrow. With every new audience the team captivates, they empower more young people to build safer and healthier lives. Find out more about this work at ultimatemarketingllc.com.

Source: Ultimate Marketing LLC