Ultimate Marketing Attends International Leadership Event

Ultimate Marketing team members recently attended an exclusive conference of international business leaders. The firm's Partner discussed the benefits of this event, and how travel is part of the firm's training program.

“We’re determined to offer our team members as many development opportunities as possible, and travel is one of our most powerful tools in this regard,” stated Jerry S., Ultimate Marketing’s Partner. “Whether we’re visiting another office for cross-training or attending a weekend retreat, trips provide chances to learn and grow that can’t be duplicated using any other training method.”

Most recently, the firm’s top producers attended a conference aimed at Partners and junior partners from all over the world. The main objective of the event was leadership development, and to share the best business practices that are working in different markets. There was also an event managers’ meeting at the same time, which provided specialized training for up-and-coming leaders within the industry. The weekend included something for everyone based on their skill and experience levels to help them develop and move along in their training. 

"We're determined to offer our team members as many development opportunities as possible, and travel is one of our most powerful tools in this regard."

Jerry , Partner

“Offices from all over the world were in attendance,” Jerry shared. “It was definitely one of the most unique and impactful conferences we’ve ever had the honor to attend. We learned so many new techniques that we immediately started to use when we got back to our home office, and we connected with professionals from across the globe. This was the sort of weekend that puts careers into overdrive!”

Ultimate Marketing’s Partner Points Out the Training Benefits of Business Travel

While travel in and of itself is worthwhile, Ultimate Marketing’s travel program is part of the firm’s comprehensive training curriculum. This learning system is named the Young Entrepreneur Program, because it teaches team members how to take ownership of their careers in the way that a business owner is responsible for his or her success. 

“The YEP immerses trainees into our operations, giving event managers the chance to work on projects and solutions that have practical applications,” declared Jerry. “Also, we give incoming team members the chance to collaborate with different departments and project managers so that new hires can see what makes our company and its methods so unique. Trips like the international conference are an extension of our training approach; we get our people around high-performing business leaders so that we can soak up their knowledge and emulate their success.”

About Ultimate Marketing LLC

Ultimate Marketing, LLC. rallies the support of socially-conscious individuals to benefit the community through nonprofit organizations that equip America’s youth with the tools and information they need to make smart and healthy life choices. The team’s on-site outreach campaigns are the channels they use to grab the attention of people and get them talking! The firm’s work furthers the movement for social good to make the greatest possible impact on the community, and to secure the outcome of our tomorrow. With every new audience the team captivates, they empower more young people to build safer and healthier lives. Find out more about this work at ultimatemarketingllc.com.

Source: Ultimate Marketing, LLC