UK Weather Keeping Land Drainage Experts on Their Toes

Land drainage experts have really had a tough year on their hands with the out-of-sorts UK weather causing problems with water standing in fields. Land drainage contractors have had to work quickly to rectify the situation before the season is over.

Here in the UK we are not exactly renowned for our great weather, but this year has seen an even more topsy turvy climate. We were faced with record high rainfall figures during the second quarter of the year causing a variety of problems for farmers and those working in agriculture with water standing in many fields. The weather has, in fact, helped to highlight the importance of land drainage and experts in this field have certainly been kept busy thanks to Mother Nature.

For agricultural profits, ensuring that you have properly drained land is key and without a good land drainage system, you may well find yourself in a bit of trouble later on in the season. To maximise crop growth soil density is crucial and sodden, saturated soils put roots in anaerobic conditions where they have limited access to oxygen, nutrients and trace elements which stunts the growth of the crop leading to a poor harvest. These problems can be cleared up simply with the installation of a high quality drainage system which allows the extra water to be drained away from the fields.

Other than the reduction in harvest yields, overly saturated soils have other knock on effects for those working in agriculture. If there is water standing in the field it can be dangerous to attempt to access the soil with large machinery as there is the danger and worry that the machinery could become stranded, leading to a costly rescue effort. Due to this lack of access, the small opportunity windows for spraying, fertilising and harvesting become even smaller causing even more problems.

William Morfoot, land drainage experts have been working extremely hard over the summer months and while harvesting has been taking place to loosen the grip of the weather on the fate of crops yields. "We've drained more than 150 hectares of Oilseed rape fields this year, and with the harvest window getting smaller and smaller it really has been a massive effort to get the job done".

One of their clients has said "This year's weather has really highlighted how important having a land drainage system is, the out of season downpours have really caused some major problems in the agricultural industry".

William Morfoot provide a comprehensive land drainage service, visit their website for news on their services and to find out more about what they can offer.

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