UK based Web Marketing Company Takes Global Social Media Training to Spain

WebCertain, a UK based multilingual web marketing agency, is taking part in Search Congress Valencia on 1st-2nd October. Search Congress, which also took place in Barcelona in January is an event organised specifically for the Spanish.

The Congress offers a mixture of conference sessions, workshops and networking events and some of the leading Spanish search marketing agencies will be delivering sessions, alongside Google, Yahoo! and leading Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia.

WebCertain will be delivering a workshop on Global Social Media which will combine techniques and suggestions for building successful social media campaigns, with analysis and discussion on the most effective social media channels in different markets around the world.

Giving the workshop will be WebCertain's Client Development Manager Ana Leckenby, a native Mexican with extensive experience in running online campaigns for multinational companies in Europe, Asia and Latin America.

Ana says, "As an international agency, WebCertain regularly attends and speaks at conferences around the world, but this is our first in Spain. The calibre of speakers and attendees, as well as the range of search marketing topics being covered is very appealing and we hope that our global perspective and experience will add an extra dimension to the event."

The Search Congress will be held at The Oceangraphic in Valencia and around 500 delegates are expected each day. More information on the event and booking information can be found at (the website is only available in Spanish).

About WebCertain

WebCertain is the one stop shop for all international search marketing needs.

Operating from just one location, WebCertain's team of native speakers from around the globe works together to create bespoke multilingual online campaigns for its clients.
Combining local cultural and linguistic knowledge with search marketing expertise leads to accurate, effective, relevant campaigns which are guaranteed to improve online performance.

Clients have the opportunity to pick a one-off service from our a la carte menu such as directory submissions, keyword research or page edits, or they can opt for the full service option to receive an account managed, comprehensive search marketing service.

From SEO to PPC, Social Media to Usability, Online PR to Web Development, WebCertain offers the full range of online services. In addition to its online services, WebCertain's translation arm, WebCertain Translates, provides professional translations and localisation for both on- and offline projects.

For more information on WebCertain's services, visit
For media enquiries, please contact:
Gemma Birch
Marketing Executive
Northminster Business Park
YO26 6QW
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1904 78 00 30