U.S. Women Still Believe Life Is Less Fair Than Do Men, Claims Book, Are You Buying This? by J. J. Robertson

Los Angeles, CA, March 3, 2016 (Newswire.com) - When J. J. Robertson, “The Consumer Madam of Spend, Baby, Spend,” asked thousands of Americans, “In the U.S., do bad things happen to well-behaved people, and do good things happen to badly behaved people?” as part of The American Meaning of Life Project (a nationwide statistically significant study), those Americans who agreed or partly agreed included:
• 64 percent of women versus 57 percent of men
"This wildly original approach to understanding how and why consumers connect with brands is essential reading for anybody in sales. I'm not kidding."
John Karem, Vice President Sales, Stoli Group
• 65 percent of atheists versus 62 percent of believers in God/gods
• 67 percent of Midwesterners versus 59 percent of the rest of the nation
• 85 percent of over-60-year-olds versus 59 percent of 18–34-year-olds
J. J. Robertson’s findings support psychologist Steven Pinker’s assessment in his book, The Better Angels of Our Nature that the extent to which an individual believes that bad things happen to well-behaved people and vice versa is more influenced by their experience than by their religious philosophy.
Are You Buying This? by J. J. Robertson is now available to buy on Amazon. Since it’s release, it’s been an Amazon research-book bestseller in the U.S. and the U.K.
Acclaim for Are You Buying This?
“Are You Buying This? drips with intelligent emotional data, allowing you to understand how American consumers tick. A must-read for anyone in marketing or advertising.” —Derek Robson, Managing Partner, Goodby, Silverstein & Partners
“J. J. Robertson is the consumer madam of spend, baby, spend. This voyeuristic book sheds light on the American psyche and advertising.” —Kieran Hannon, CMO, Belkin International
“(Are You Buying This? offers) a funny and insightful peek into the mindset of American consumers from a saucy advertising doyenne." —Dean Langendorf, Business and Product Strategy, The Walt Disney Company
"This wildly original approach to understanding how and why consumers connect with brands is essential reading for anybody in sales. I'm not kidding." —John Karem, VP Sales, Stoli Group
"A very unique and thought-provoking look at humans and what's meaningful to their lives today." —Jeffrey Blish, Executive Planning Director, Deutsch
About the book
In Are You Buying This? advertising executive J. J. Robertson takes us on a romp through the gray matter of American minds, as folks reveal their cherished dreams, secret pleasures, and daily frustrations. This entertaining, frank, and enlightening book contains answers to questions on what Americans covet (from kinky boots to cozy condos), how they feel about their careers, what makes their “perfect day,” their reactions to themselves when they look in the mirror, and the wisdom they live by as they search for the meaning of life.
About “The American Meaning of Life Project”
“The American Meaning of Life Project” is a nationwide statistically significant survey. To date, U.S. citizens who have answered the project’s questions proportionately matched the latest U.S. census on the ratio of men to women in America, as well as the ratio of residents in the Northeast to the South, West, and Midwest. While respondents closely matched the latest U.S. census on age distribution (although 30-plus-year-olds were slightly overrepresented), the ratio of Republican supporters to Democratic supporters, the ratio of atheists to those with religious beliefs, and the ratio of U.S. citizens by birth to naturalized citizens.
About J. J. Robertson
J. J. Robertson, a.k.a., the Brain Sucker®, has headed account-planning departments at award-winning U.S. advertising agencies. She’s presented research to Fortune 500 CEOs and has inspired top creative minds with her consumer insights. Robertson holds social science master’s degrees from UCLA and the University of Edinburgh. She lives in Virginia, where she excels as a tea drinker.
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