Tyche'd - The Social Wishlist! Connects People With Similar Purchase Intents; Leverages Power Of Social Networks Like Facebook & Twitter In Real World

Consumer startup, Tyched Web Services, launches social discovery platform, Tyche'd. It allows users to share their purchase intents with friends, discover people from their social network & mutual contacts who want to buy similar products & service

Consumer internet startup Tyched Web Services today announced the public beta launch of its social discovery platform, Tyche'd - The Social Wishlist!

Tyche'd allows users to share purchase intents with friends; and discover people from their own social network and mutual contacts wanting to buy similar products and services in their own location. It provides consumers an opportunity to connect with more buyers and aggregate demand from their social circle enabling self-service group buys without depending on deal enablers or intermediaries. The platform presently focuses on high-indulgence and high-purchase involvement categories like Travel, Gadgets, Electronics, Real Estate and Automobiles.

Users also have a choice to create & join open group buys that are visible to all users from their location wanting to buy similar products. The platform was in a closed beta mode for 3 months.

"Tyche'd connects a prospective buyer with more buyers thereby shifting the power of negotiation to consumers. Social networks like Facebook, Twitter are now established, we are enabling discovery of purchase intents & user interests in a very local context. With users spending more time on social networks, social discovery platforms are strong contenders to search." says Pravin Jadhav, Founder, Tyche'd.

"Tyche'd replicates the offline consumer behavior in the online world. It currently has local information for over 200+ cities across 12 Countries; users will be able to see contextual experience while building their wishlist. We have already seen users sourcing great deals under categories like Electronics, Automobiles & Travel." added Kulin Shah, Co-founder, Tyche'd.

The company is founded by Pravin Jadhav, ex-Product & Marketing Head at advertising technology venture - Ohana Media; and Kulin Shah, ex-Senior Investment Manager at Reliance Venture Asset Management, venture capital arm of Reliance ADAG.


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Media Contacts:

Pravin Jadhav
Tyched Web Services Private Limited
+91 9820224471

Kulin Shah
Tyched Web Services Private Limited
+91 9324444550

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Tyched Web Services
