Two Retired LASD Icons Switch Party Affiliations from Democrat to Republican as They Join Forces to Challenge the Current L.A. County Sheriff

Retired LASD Captain (and 2022 L.A. County Sheriff's Candidate) Matt Rodriguez (R) Taps Retired LASD Commander Bob Lindsey (R) to Combine Efforts to Win the L.A. County Sheriff Position Via a Three-Point RESPECT Platform: Respect for The People, Law Enforcement and the Rule of Law.


The Matt Rodriguez for L.A. County Sheriff 2022 Campaign is proud to announce that three-decade veteran of law enforcement LASD Captain Matt Rodriguez (Ret.), knowing what's at stake, has reached out to pro-law enforcement advocate LASD Commander Robert "Bob" Lindsey (ret.) in efforts to create a pro-law enforcement, pro-rule-of-law "dynamic-duo", and Commander Lindsey's reply was, "Let's do this!"

Commander Lindsey was humbled and honored to join Matt's campaign and instill his wisdom to his overall platform. Bob's contribution to Matt's R.E.S.P.E.C.T. service mark took it from a one-dimensional starting point to a well-rounded, three-dimensional call to action:

RESPECT for: The People, Law Enforcement and the Rule of Law. Without respect for each of these elements, the goal of a safer L.A. County cannot be attained.

Matt and Bob realize that L.A. County will never enjoy safe streets again until both its criminal element and ineffective politicians are taken on with equal fervor and resolve.  

Matt understands the root cause of both the LASD's stark four-year decline in effectiveness and morale and the steep rise in violent crime in L.A. County and considers this campaign a "rescue mission" for the lives of all who call L.A. County home.

For more information about the Matt Rodriguez Campaign for L.A. County Sheriff, log on to or contact the campaign's PIO, JD Buckwell at  /  909.518.3307

Source: The Matt Rodriguez for L.A. County Sheriff 2022 Campaign


MATT RODRIGUEZ FOR LA COUNTY SHERIFF is a grass-roots politicial campaign to oust the current Sheriff of LA County, Alex Lillanueva, who's greatly responsible in the decline of deputy morale and the steep rise in crime.