Two New Guides on Anger Management for Parents Released

Nearly 800,000 cases of physical abuse are reported to Child Protective Services each year and every day five children die from abuse. To help combat this phenomenon, Joseph W. James, Ph.D. has release two guides to help parents manage anger.

Almost five children die each day in the United States as a result of child abuse. More than 3 out of 4 of these cases involve children under the age of four. This figure has been on the rise for the past ten years suggesting the problem is only getting worse.

Additionally, the United States Advisory Board reported that near fatal abuse and neglect each year leave 18,000 permanently disabled children and tens of thousands of victims who are overwhelmed by lifelong psychological trauma, thousands of traumatized siblings and family members, and thousands of near-death survivors who, as adults, continue to bear the physical and psychological scars.

These extreme cases of child abuse represent only the tip of the iceberg as roughly 3.2 million cases of child abuse are reported to Child Protective Agencies each year with roughly 25% of those cases involving physical abuse and another 4% involving emotional abuse.

These statistics reflect only those cases which are reported which would suggest that there are perhaps hundreds of thousands of additional cases of child abuse that go unreported each year.
In response to the growing need for parents to understand their children's behavior and to learn to control their own emotions, psychologist and developer of Dr. Joe's Online Anger Management Class, Joe James has proudly announced the release of two new publications : "Staying Cool When Things are Crazy: Real Anger Management for Parents" and "Anger Management for Kids Made Simple".

"As a psychologist who specializes in anger management I've become increasingly aware of just how prevalent the problem is and how parents truly struggle to stay calm with their children" reports Mr. James.

To deal with this, each booklet covers the problem from a different perspective. "Anger Management for Kids" is focused on helping parents understand the world through their child's eyes. The main message is that kids do not see the world the same way we do and many of children's behaviors that are seen as manipulative or acting out by adults are actually a child's way of learning to negotiate getting needs met or expressing feelings.

The emphasis of this book is on helping parents develop empathy and also provides a different way of disciplining kids - one that shifts the focus from punishment to setting limits and as a learning opportunity to teaching children how to express their feelings" explains Mr. James.

The second booklet ""Staying Cool When Things are Crazy: Real Anger Management for Parents" is focused on specific exercises to help parents stay calm in the face of their own stress and their children's behavior.

Its important to cover anger management both angles so that parents not only have the skills to tame their own emotions but to also teach their kids a more effective way of expressing feelings" said Mr. James.

About Joseph W.James, Ph.D., P.C

Joseph W.James, Ph.D., P.C
4400 East West Hwy
Suite 712,
