TTi Global Strengthens Veteran's Hiring Initiative Through Department of Defense Training Program

Beth Gillette, Michigan's Employment Coordinator for Hero2Hired, a Department of Defense Partnership of Programs, presented an in-depth training program for the recruiting staff at TTi Global on January 25th, 2016.

TTi Global partnered with Hero2Hired to provide their recruiting staff with a greater understanding of issues involved when hiring veterans. Michigan’s (H2H) Employment Coordinator, Beth Gillette conducted the training. Gillette serves the entire state with resources and guidance for employers seeking to hire veterans and active reservists.

“One of the biggest challenges facing human resources is learning how to translate the resumes of military personnel into civilian language,” stated Gillette. “Exceptionally qualified candidates can be over looked by hiring managers who misunderstand the culture and the language of the military. We try to bridge that gap through education and outreach.”

"There is no greater way for a business to say thank you to our courageous servicemen and women than by providing them with a job."

Kevin Dever, Marketing Director, TTi Global

Hero2Hired (H2H) is a comprehensive employment program that partners with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Veterans Employment Center. The program  was created to make it easy for Reserve Component service members to connect to and find jobs with military-friendly companies. The program offers many powerful tools that employers can access when seeking to hire veterans.

“Hiring managers can easily understand a resume that shows a college degree in a related field and one entry-level job,” Gillette explained. “However it is not so clear what an ordinance specialist or petty officer can bring to a civilian employer.”  Gillette cited several examples, including one incidence where a former commissioned officer who had been responsible for overseeing an entire global supply chain, was offered a position as an inventory clerk."

During the onsite training, Gillette highlighted numerous resources that are available to recruiters to assist in their efforts to place veterans. One resource is their on-line system. It is a powerful employment platform that allows registered employers to post jobs, review job seeker resumes, and make a commitment to hiring National Guardsmen and Reservists, Veterans, and transitioning Service members.

Kevin Dever, Marketing Director of TTi Global stated his support, “There is no greater way for a business to say thank you to our courageous servicemen and women than by providing them with a job. As a staffing organization our company can play an important role in assisting other companies in effectively hiring veterans. At TTi Global we are working to raise awareness about the important responsibility we all share in helping our veterans successfully re-establish their civilian lives. They have done their part. Now it’s time for us to do ours."

TTi Global is committed to becoming a model veteran employer. They recently demonstrated this commitment when their President/CEO, Lori Blaker signed the "ESGR Statement of Support" in a public ceremony at the GLBVA Veteran's Employers Summit.

About TTi Global

TTi Global, a leader in providing staffing, learning, research and consulting solutions to industries across various sectors with automotive as a core focus. TTi Global oversees operations on five continents with offices spanning the globe, which include Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, India, Japan, Mexico, Peru, South Africa, Thailand, Venezuela, UK and most recently Afghanistan.

For info contact: Nancy Thompson or 248-496-4965