TT Auto Service Warn of the Dangers in Neglecting Wheel Balancing

TT Auto Service highlights a number of warning signs which suggest motorists have their wheel alignment checked.

In the current economic climate, many motorists are looking to cut costs and expenses in whatever way they can. However, TT Auto Service is looking to highlight the dangers of neglecting basic maintenance and servicing such as wheel balancing.

Many motorists are aware of the need to check the air pressure in their tyres, but a great number fail to realise the potential dangers which can result from poor wheel balancing. Perth motorists may not notice the initial signs of their car wheels becoming misaligned. The misalignment can result from a pavement impact on the wheels or simply as a result of normal usage. However, if left unchecked poor wheel alignment can significantly impact the performance and safety of your car.

TT Auto Service highlights a number of warning signs which suggest motorists have their wheel alignment checked. These include steering pulling to one side or another, tyre tread wearing unevenly or even difficulty in steering. Poor wheel balancing will only continue to deteriorate and could cause difficulties in steering especially in poor driving conditions.

The company warn that regular servicing and basic maintenance should not be neglected including wheel balancing. Perth motorists could be placing themselves in danger by compromising the safety of their vehicle. At the very least they will likely be spending more on fuel as minor repair issues compromise fuel efficiency. TT Auto Service support car manufacturer recommendations that vehicles should be serviced at least once a year. This will ensure that fluid levels are correct and components are working effectively.

For more information please contact here:
TT Auto Services
Phone No: (08) 6500 0163

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