TSplus Invests in a Brand New Support Portal

As part of TSplus' continuous efforts to provide the best possible service, the support team is pleased to announce the launch of its new ticketing system and knowledge-based integrated platform, built with FreshDesk. Expanding on the capabilities of the current platform, the new platform will improve the service TSplus provides to its worldwide clients on responsiveness, accuracy and quality.
TSplus Support Desk new Interface

For TSplus customers, having continuous and optimal remote access to business apps is a critical part of their company’s efficiency. When operational issues arise, a quick resolution is very important.

TSplus is extremely excited to see how quickly it can expand its customer base and therefore decided to make it a priority to upgrade its support infrastructure as quickly as it could. Since its inception, one of TSplus' main goals has always been to be there for its customers. Every request for support has helped find and fix gaps in its products and accompanying documentation. As such, the company has incorporated customer feedback and has searched for an innovative solution for offering an optimized support service portal.

In addition to its quicker response capabilities, TSplus is pleased to offer a new, simpler way of expanding its combined knowledge base by offering a place where the community can quickly find answers to important questions, and where anyone can share their TSplus experience and best practices for the benefit of the entire community.

Already available on their main website, clients and users all over the world can access the new help system by clicking on the "Support Center" tab.

TSplus’ support procedures are the same, only better. Visitors will enjoy a more modern look and feel for creating and checking on tickets. In addition, TSplus now also has an active knowledge base that will be continuously expanded and will provide answers to the most urgent questions. Articles written by TSplus agents will include texts, photos and videos. Currently, the knowledge base only features commonly requested content such as how-to guides, but as time goes on the support team will be adding more documents for providing self-help, including addressing common implementation questions and documentation of known issues and their workarounds (if any).

With this resource, visitors can now:

  • Easily create new support tickets just by logging in with their existing credentials
  • Track the status of tickets to know which agent on the team is handling their case
  • Quickly find and print answers to their questions, thanks to the search option
  • Access and add to the detailed knowledge base, which is broken down into separate topics for easy browsing
  • Open or check in the Community Forum on a related topic 
  • Start a direct dialogue on FreshChat with a dedicated agent to more quickly solve issues

Advance and Intuitive Administrative Tools for High-Quality Support Service 

This new procedure will allow for tracking and monitoring all requests for priority or general support in order to facilitate timely service. The new Support Request System will be a process improvement for TSplus, helping to better meet deadlines for completing support requests.

The TSplus support team now benefits from an extremely intuitive and comprehensive system that allows full customization of the interface for fast, adapted and high-quality service. Tickets are sorted by date, status, topics and the person in charge, so each agent can easily follow up on their assigned tickets in order to quickly see which ones require priority handling. There is an option for everything – from setting automatic reminder emails to qualifying tickets with tags and comments regarding the client. It is then very easy to go back and find a specific ticket, compare similar questions and provide statistics, etc. Support agents save time while providing accurate responses.

This new system is also a collaborative tool. Tickets are logically allocated to all team members, according to their level of complexity. Whether a ticket is about licensing, common technical issues or development questions, agents have the ability to write internal notes about each case. If one agent is not available, he or she can delegate their tickets to colleagues who will have access to the appropriate information for handling the request, along with the entire client's history.

Plus, everyone is aware of resolved and unresolved tickets. This strongly improves efficiency.

However, TSplus does not stop here. With additional planned improvements, customers can expect a new online documentation process which has been entirely redesigned for a more modern and easy-to-use display. It is fully indexed for quick exploration from the home page. It offers printing and PDF exportation for each article. To complement all of this, the support team is working on the development of an amazing new tool. TSplus is investing in AI, and will soon offer a ChatBot to provide real-time assistance to every visitor to www.terminalserviceplus.com for navigation and information searching.

If a user has feedback about the portal or any problems accessing it, TSplus encourages the opening of a ticket. Since this is a new effort, there may be a period of growth and adjustment before things smooth out. Any feedback will help ensure that these changes are helpful to everyone.

For more information about TSplus, visit the website or contact sales@tsplus.net

You can also download a trial version for free!

Source: Terminalserviceplus.com

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