TSplus Announces 2018 Price Adjustments

For years, TSplus has been working to provide the best Remote Desktop solution. However, their prices have barely reflected the value gains of the products for a long time. Today, TSplus is adapting to better match the new market conditions, all while maintaining a highly competitive price point.
Buy TSplus Remote Desktop Package Now

Since 2010, TSplus has proudly offered the best alternative to Citrix by providing advanced Remote Desktop software, rich features, secure connections and optimal support services for a fraction of its competitors' prices. In addition, TSplus is constantly working to improve the quality of its products and services – including new functionalities and the latest technological advances – to make its solution the easiest, most powerful and user-friendly Application Publishing software on the market.

Today, the solution they offer is unique: the easiest Web access solution for all Windows apps. In 2018, the developer will introduce several new product innovations to elevate both the visibility and demand of its solutions. The most recent is the TSplus App for mobile, which enables remote connections from any device – from PCs to tablets and smartphones. However, this added value has never really been reflected in the pricing. Throughout this process, the value of the U.S. dollar has seriously depreciated over the last couple of years. As TSplus prices are based on this currency, the developer had to integrate this parameter in its new pricing strategy.

Introducing new pricing from May 2018

To stay competitive in the new market environment, TSplus has decided to adjust its prices according to the dollar’s depreciation. From May 15th, 2018, both the TSplus.net and Terminalserviceplus.net websites will display a new pricing list compensating for this shortfall: the increase averages out to approximately 15% and varies according to products and options. No worries, though: this new offer is still very attractive when compared to other actors in the market! Visitors now have three weeks to make their purchases before the prices change, as reflected in the table below.

New TSplus Prices from May 15th, 2018:
Number of Users



Mobile & Web Enterprise
Up to 3 users $90



Up to 5 users $150 $200


Up to 10 users $250 $350


Up to 25 users




25+ users $950



RDS-Knight Security Essential $50,00
RDS-Knight Ultimate Protection $250,00
Server Genius (1 server) $90,00
Server Genius (5 server) $350,00
Server Genius (10 server) $650,00
RDS-Web Access $500,00

Purchase TSplus now or Try it for free during 15 days!

Source: Terminal Service Plus