Trekking in the Himalayas and the Great Himalayan National Park

The Himalayas are criss-crossed with many a trails that trekkers like to walk. Especially of interest are some trails in Himachal Pradesh which boasts of many different terrains. Trekking in Himachal Pradesh assumes newer forms depending upon the reg

Trekking in Himalayas is a very popular activity amongst enthusiast across the globe. Every year hoards of trekkers and hikers land into the country to explore its wide terrain and experience its unique culture, flora and fauna. Amongst the most diverse of the regions in India for Trekking is Himachal Pradesh. With terrain ranging from rain forest to temperate forest and high altitude desert, this state is special.

Occupying a special place amongst its calendar is the Great Himalayan National Park. Odati Adventures with its years of experience first visited GHNP in the year 2005, amongst the first few groups into this pristine spectacle of nature. Great Himalayan National Park is the home to some unique fauna, notable amongst it being the Western Tragopan, Monal Pheasant, Koklas Pheasant, Serow, Himalayan Brown Bear and the Sloth Bear. The thick forest cover is proving to be a haven for such unique creatures. The national park is also home to two tributaries of Beas, the Tirthan which makes its origin at Hans Kund and Sainjriver. With its conducive weather, low altitude glaciers, forest slopes, Himachal Trekking is at its best when it comes to experiencing untouched beauty some green valleys. You will be left breathless with all that it has to offer.

Odati Adventures offers trekking in the Great Himalayan National Park in the best season of May-June every year. Keeping in line with its philosophy of small groups, they operate in groups of no more than 12, thus offering an unparalleled experience when it comes to services, interactions with nature and leaving a place unspoilt allowing it to recuperate for the next visit.

'Adventure Companionship' has been ingrained into the Odati Adventure crew who will support you throughout your experience more like a friend than a staff / support member. 'Our staff will share the joys of trekking, discovery and exploration alongside you and will always be at a calls distance away should you need any help during the trek. You will not have to worry about the organizational needs of the trek but just wear your boots and walk' says Jayesh Movankar, executive Director of OAPL. Himalayan Trekking assumes a new meaning with this unique approach adopted by Odati Adventures.

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