Transforming Life Challenges Into Relationship Miracles
Online, July 20, 2013 ( - Millions of couples secretly wonder how their relationship will weather the strain if and when one of the partners become chronically ill.
Millions of couples are actually dealing with this very challenge.
According to research, younger couples are more likely to break up or divorce when illness strikes one member of the couple. But it doesn't have to be this way!
In this week's show, Dr. Jamie Turndorf introduces a remarkable sixty-year-old woman named Barbara Thayer who has been battling Multiple Sclerosis since her 20s. Throughout her life, whenever the disease has flared up, Barb has been forced to live in an institution. In spite of her huge challenges, she managed to marry and survive three different men. And believe it or not, Barbara just returned from her 4th honeymoon last week!
Tune in to this week's show and hear her inspiring story and meet her new husband Ed Tullis, who has spent decades caring for his first wife who also suffered from MS.
Barbara and Ed radiate such joy and happiness. Barb's attitude regarding her illness and Ed's joy in caring for the one he loves is an inspiring example of two people whose love flourishes despite life's inevitable potholes.
As Dr. Turndorf explains. When illness challenges a couple, it is especially important to communicate well and for the partner who is ill to learn to state his/her needs. In the case of MS, and other chronic illnesses that involve periods of remission, these communication skills are especially important. This is because when a partner is feeling well, he/she may want to take on more responsibilities. Then, when a relapse occurs, he/she may not be able to continue these same activities. Resentment can easily occur when the partner who is ill expects the caregiving partner to just know that greater assistance is needed. Dr. Turndorf encourages her listeners to learn how to directly state thoughts, feelings, needs and wishes using the communication skills that she teaches in Till Death Do Us Part (Unless I Kill You First). It is vital that these skills be under one's belt before trouble strikes!
Hosted on, AskDrLove with Dr. Jamie Turndorf, is a live one hour Internet radio program airing at 1pm (EST) every Tuesday afternoon. Listeners can also call-in to the show and ask Dr. Turndorf for advice on any of their personal issues. Archived shows are available on,,, and iTunes.
Dr. Jamie Turndorf is a popular relationship expert and couples therapist, author, and radio show host known to millions around the world as the creator of, the Web's first free relationship advice site originally launched in 1996. now offers thousands of advice articles on every imaginable relationship, marriage, dating, or sex advice question. You can follow Dr. Turndorf on Facebook and on Twitter @askdrlove.
Dr. Tundorf's advice and methods will bring greater romance and intimacy into your love life, so be sure to tune in or call in to the Ask Dr Love radio show and get help from one of today's top sex and relationship experts. As Dr. Turndorf says, "Knowledge Is Your Key To Happy Relationships!"
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