Toronto Election October 25

Clarke would rescind Toronto councillors self serving golden severance benefit package which represents a liability of over $5 MILLION dollars after they have been turfed by the voters to a maximum of 26 weeks in accordance with existing laws.

Peter CLARKE Proposes that Toronto Councillors Self Given Golden Severance Package Be Rescinded

Toronto's incumbent councillors voted themselves a self-serving golden severance package at twice the 26 week maximum requirement under Ontario's labour laws.

This package on top of the one year salary and lucrative Omers pension benefits they receive once defeated in an election.

The golden severance deal also includes 100% taxpayer paid benefits for extended health, dental, life insurance, LTD and Mileage for one full year after the taxpayers voted them out of office.

There is an exemption under Ontario laws which might exempt the city from having to pay elected officials any severance pay because once the voters have voted them out of office, they of course would make it impossible for them to perform their previous elected duties and thus the city would be exempt from paying them anything at all.

This unnecessary self serving golden severance package which incumbent councillors voted themselves represents a liability of $5,214,888. MILLION dollars in total for the 42 incumbents.

CLARKE would reverse this package to a maximum of 26 weeks in accordance with existing laws for all Ontario citizens. He would further seek legal status as to whether or not elected officials are even entitled to a severance package once the voters have turfed them out of office.

Peter CLARKE has proposed a detailed 10 plus for 2010 campaign mission platform outline his proposals to date that would save Toronto taxpayers over $283.2 MILLION dollars and you can check out the details at