Top Level Domain Names, And Head To Brokerage Firm As Hot Investment Opportunity

Sixteen years after registration the domains and have finally arrived available for purchase. With millions streaming to the web for Entertainment leading companies seek an edge and find it with domains and proven authority.

NameConnect Brokerage Firm ( today released it has agreed to broker two top tier domain names that target an array of industries with and The owner has agreed to an exclusive for the sale of these two domains thanks to a proven track record of high-end domains and excellent investment opportunities by NameConnect, these domains are no exception as they finely describe a multi billion-dollar Entertainment industry. having been registered in 1997 and in 1996 are descriptive of several industries, book publishing, said to exceed revenues of ninety billion and growing 1% annually, music, reaching sixteen billion, games touching ten billion and film, found to place a staggering eighty seven billion dollars with their box office segment alone generating up to thirty-two billion. These intuitive names have been long coveted by it's owners and come at a time when the Entertainment may best capitalize on these easy to remember URL's. Internet in the US alone has hit a penetration of 78.6% and with exponential growth in usage of applications to download music, books and film, leading companies in the Entertainment industry turn their marketing efforts towards the Web.

Companies concerned with their budgets in a downward market look to augment their dollar and target the web by seeking assets that will show higher returns. Domains offer an ideal investment and this is proven with the sale of names such as for $250,000, at $47,500 and that sold for$90,000.

John Daly, head of Sales and Development at NameConnect Brokerage Firm, claims, "Having worked in the Entertainment industry I understand the Marketing efforts of these firms to quantify their budgets on dollars going out and coming in, the Internet gives them the ability to do just this. With domains such as and, they now have the ability to split test and target different segments by utilizing what is called subdomains to create URL's such as or , this allows the owner to match exact keywords typed into the popular search engines taking advantage of Search Engine Optimization techniques. According to Google research these two keywords, "Feature" and "Features" represent 13.5 million searches in their search engine each month where advertisers pay $1.76 per click for this traffic representing a hefty crowd hungry for amusement."

The keyword search tool is created by Google to allow advertisers a better idea on how to best target their campaigns in the leading search engine. Millions of dollars are spent acquiring the traffic that generic domains easily elicit for life, one of the many reasons top tier URL's are of high value in the aftermarket.

NameConnect Brokerage Firm has it's history in the domain space for over seven years and handles the acquisition of digital assets for Fortune 500 companies and runs a successful newsletter where it brokers names such as, and For more information please see .

About NameConnect Brokerage Firm

NameConnect Brokerage Firm
44473 Blueridge Meadows Drive
Ashburn, VA
