Toilet Talk With Parker & Sons

​Parker & Sons understands that most individuals go through their entire lives without giving much consideration to toilets until they are forced. When that situation arises, they are often ill equipped to handle the issues confronting them. If individuals are shopping for a new toilet, or are facing toilet problems, they could probably use a hand. To that end, Parker & Sons is prepared to talk about toilets.

Parker & Sons advises that a major consideration when shopping for a new toilet is performance. The best toilets are capable of saving water while delivering a worry-free, or even enjoyable bathroom experience. Finding such a toilet is not always a simple thing. Parker & Sons further notes that toilets that deliver a higher water volume are not necessarily better at flushing. In terms of performing an optimal flush, design is what truly matters.

There is a lot more to toilets than most people think. We depend on these things though. You could almost say modern civilizations have been built on toilets. They are an essential part of everyday life. Parker & Sons specializes in toilet care and maintenance. If individuals have any toilets needs, they shouldn't hesitate to give us a call," said Josh Kelly of Parker & Sons.

Josh Kelly

Toilets are regulated by the United States Department of Energy. In 1995, new standards were set that dictated that toilets could only use 1.6 gallons of water per flush. Toilet flushing accounts for nearly 30 percent of all residential water use in the United States. Parker & Sons reports that some states set even more stringent flushing standards. California for example, has set a limit of 1.28 gallons per flush.

There are two standard types of home toilets, gravity-feed and pressure-assisted. In gravity-feed models, flushed water is delivered from a storage tank to the toilet bowl when a watertight seal is lifted by depressing an external flusher. Pressure-assisted toilets are more expensive and thus are seen less frequently than gravity-feed toilets. They deliver flushes with more force. They often stay cleaner than their gravity-feed cousins, although their flushes are very noisy.

Parker & Sons lauds the benefits of newer dual-flush capable toilets. These high-tech models can deliver either a full, or partial flush. Partial flushes are optimal when individuals only need to dispose of liquid waste. A full flush can be sued when solid waste is present.

“There is a lot more to toilets than most people think. We depend on these things though. You could almost say modern civilizations have been built on toilets. They are an essential part of everyday life. Parker & Sons specializes in toilet care and maintenance. If individuals have any toilets needs, they shouldn’t hesitate to give us a call,” said Josh Kelly of Parker & Sons.

Source: Parker and Sons

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Keeping You Comfortable With Expert Heating, Cooling & Plumbing Service Since 1974. Parker & Sons has been serving homeowners and businesses in Arizona for over 40 years and is recognized nationally.

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Phoenix, AZ


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