TMS strengthens AU operation to meet increased business demand

While recently released government figures showing an increase in unemployment in October across all sectors indicate economic recovery has slowed into the latter stages of 2009, not so the hospitality and tourism sector according to TMS Asia-Pacific

While recently released government figures showing an increase in unemployment in October across all sectors indicate economic recovery has slowed into the latter stages of 2009, not so the hospitality and tourism sector according to TMS Asia-Pacific CEO Andrew Chan.

Speaking from the company's head office in Sydney where he is supervising the induction of new General Manger Australia/New Zealand Alessandra de Matteis and new recruit Karen McGrath, Mr Chan said business had increased in what traditionally is a quiet time of year for the executive search firm.

"This has been beyond encouraging," he said.

"There can be no doubt all the indicators point towards a rapidly improving economic outlook within our area of the business as 2010 approaches.

"Our Brisbane office continues to report a marked increase in its SE Queensland business activity as does our Victorian operation which while a little quieter than Queensland is certainly fielding demands for staff in general right across the sector.

"The west too has been showing strong signs - we've received several job orders from Perth-based companies just in the last couple of weeks.

"And it's the same in Sydney where business has picked up to the point where we have had to increase staffing levels with the addition of one new recruiter.

"Temp business is definitely on the increase and we're continuing to hear from companies scouting out good candidates with a view to extending roles into permanent positions in the next quarter as their business grows.
"Wholesaler and retailer contact too has increased with many of our clients actively seeking to replace the staff lost in the first stages of this year."
Mr Chan said many of the people the company had heard from in recent weeks had been previously loath to even consider making a move into a new role.

"The environment had definitely shifted as is evidenced by the increased numbers of candidates contacting us to make enquiries regarding vacant positions.

"People are no longer scared to make the move - prime examples of that would be Alessandra and Karen," he said.