Titanium Event Management, Inc. Drives Success With Training

The Titanium Event Management, Inc. team is focusing their training on communication to drive their business development strategy. This will include attending a national industry conference, according to Adriana A., the firm's president.

The marketing and consulting services firm has a strong training program that it uses to rapidly educate all new members of the team. However, as Adriana explained, this initiative extends even beyond new personnel. They invest time every month into workshops to teach new skills with the entire team. She indicated that this helps them to move their business development strategy forward rapidly.

“Complacency is the enemy of success,” she asserted. “We know that other firms are out there trying to improve their services and take campaigns away from us. So, we have to invest significantly into ensuring that we have the best possible team of sales and marketing experts. The only way we can do this is through regular training and skills development.”

"Complacency is the enemy of success,"

Adriana, President

Adriana indicated that an emphasis on training allows them to more consistently produce impressive campaigns than if they simply hired for experience. According to her, their principal recruitment criteria is passion and willingness to learn. Experience and specific technical skills are nice, but secondary to attitude. She stated that they can teach skills but they can’t teach drive.

“One of the most important areas for us to train our team in is communication,” Adriana added. “By focusing on this area all month, we are boosting their ability to provide excellent campaigns while also streamlining our processes. We actually have one of our team members leading the session, and getting valuable presentation and leadership experience in the process.”

Titanium Event Management, Inc.’s President Discusses Leadership Conference

Adriana stated that she will be bringing a number of team members to a national leadership conference as part of their training program. She stated that this is a great way to expose them to the latest ideas in their industry.

“There will be experts giving talks and offering workshops,” she elaborated. “We will also have a lot of chances to network with our peers from other offices around the country. This is a great way for my team to gain exposure to other perspectives and ideas. I think this trip will help us to add some fresh new ideas to our strategies.”

The conference takes place once per quarter and is a coming together of the top minds in the marketing field. “It will be good for my team members to get to see some of the most impressive people in our space,” Adriana added. “They will be inspired by the accomplishments of these professionals. This conference will be great!”

About Titanium Event Management, Inc.

Titanium Event Management, Inc. is a marketing and consulting group experienced in developing event-based promotional campaigns with a high return on investment. The companys marketing specialists are experts in brand research and analysis. They employ this information to create successful outreach strategies that attract the preferred demographic in order to generate remarkable results. Based in Dallas, Texas, Titanium Event Management, Inc. offers an effective alternative to traditional advertising that has been used by both local brands and Fortune 500 companies. For more information, please visit http://titaniumeventmanagement.com.