Titan Elements on the Company's Benefits and Opportunities

Today's professionals perceive job satisfaction as more than collecting a paycheck. The Titan Elements management team recognizes this trend and has implemented several related benefits.

Millennials believe that work isn’t simply about a 9 to 5 grind,” stated Matt Z., Titan Elements’ president. “They want something more tangible in terms of growth and knowledge. Fortunately, this has long been a part of our company’s culture.”

Matt described how the managers place emphasis on training. “Everything we do is based on continuous education and learning,” he said. “Our goal is to turn our weaknesses into our strengths. We are always developing skills that will help us become better managers and business people in the future. We encourage our team members to view themselves as investments and are always looking to reach new heights of success.”

"High-achieving associates from across the country network and learn from each other. They attend workshops hosted by national industry leaders. Ultimately, they learn how to take their performance to the next level."

Matt Z, President

According to Matt, by promoting continual improvement Titan Elements’ leaders provide team members with critical skills they need to excel. “As we offer education, we also empower our associates to challenge themselves and find solutions to various problems,” he said. “This is what makes a difference. We want our team members to advance and grow in their careers. Therefore, we’re committed to equipping them with the resources to accomplish their objectives.”

In addition to training, Matt noted that the company offers multiple rewards for hard work, including travel opportunities. “Our top performers are invited to travel to the quarterly national conferences,” Matt said. “High-achieving associates from across the country network and learn from each other. They attend workshops hosted by national industry leaders. Ultimately, they learn how to take their performance to the next level.”

Titan Elements’ Managers Describe the Importance of Team Activities

Matt stated that team building is another feature of the Titan Elements’ office. “Our motto is work hard, play hard!” he exclaimed. “Sometimes it’s good to see each other in our natural environments, put work aside and just celebrate what we have accomplished as a team.”

One of the benefits of this approach is how it fosters team bonds, which in turn benefit the firm. “By being together outside the office, we strengthen our relationships. This leads to improved trust,” he said. “As a result, we can challenge each other to work harder without creating unneeded strife. This helps each of us and the company grow.”

Matt generally takes responsibility for planning the team-based events. “We try to have one at least every other Monday, depending on who has an idea,” he said, noting that the team recently gathered at his home for a poolside Memorial Day cookout.

 “Whatever we do to improve our workplace environment is an investment in our business,” Matt concluded. “A happy, supportive team that is working for a meaningful purpose is one that will help a business succeed. The ROI is far greater than you’d expect.”

 About Titan Elements Inc.

Titan Elements Inc. is an elite marketing and consulting firm that delivers customized on-site interactive campaigns. Their outreach initiatives are explicitly designed to generate assessable, long-term penetration into both new and established consumer bases. Using contemporary advertising strategies and the latest market research, associates at Titan Elements Inc. implement state-of-the-art promotions that capture consumer interest and deliver a high return on invested marketing dollars. Their rapid growth coupled with their diverse portfolio of clients gives Titan Elements Inc. the resources and flexibility to handle the needs of virtually any client in any industry. To find out more, visit www.titanelementsinc.com.