'Tis The Season For Work Harassment

Nationwide survey by lawoptions.co.uk reveals, in the run up to the Christmas office party period that one in three have been on the receiving end of sexual harassment in the workplace.


With Christmas parties and the season annual appraisals upon us one in three Brits report that they have been on the receiving end of sexual comments at work, according to a new study.

Almost 32 per cent of people have had to face an inappropriate or lewd remark with more than a quarter of those saying their boss is the main culprit.

Sixteen per cent of the nation's 29 million workers dread going to work each day and 21 per cent have even had to fend off the advances of abuser.

One 22-year-old respondent told how she went for her appraisal, but instead of focusing on her work, her boss kept saying how good she smelt.

And a barmaid also described how her boss would make lewd comments towards her whenever he fell out with his wife, and even making passes at her after he had a few drinks.

For one in twenty, it has got so bad that they have ended up quitting their job over inappropriate or sexual remarks made by their boss or colleague.

Will Burrows, Head of Employment Law for www.LawOptions.co.uk, which carried out the study said: ''A massive part of our lives is spent at work, but it can be extremely difficult if you have to face lewd remarks from your colleagues.

''It's even more worrying to think that so many are putting up with this behaviour from their boss.

''Employees are there to do a job and it's wrong that those around you can make you feel uncomfortable while you are trying to get on with what you are paid to do.

The study of 2,300 workers found that while 12 per cent of Brits were left upset by the remarks, 17 per cent felt angry, while seven per cent saw their confidence levels drop.

Five per cent even felt like it was their fault and that they deserved it.

But the run-up to the Christmas Party season is worrying some as 14 per cent are dreading the 'do' in case their boss or colleague corners them.

Almost five per cent of workers are even going to think of every excuse they can to get out of going.

Researchers also revealed that one in twenty fed-up workers have asked their boss or colleague to stop making the remarks several times, and another 11 per cent bringing it up once.

But 12 per cent of those said the culprits simply found it funny and it got even worse, and another 22 per cent stopped for a while but soon started again.

Three per cent even said they deserved it because of the way they acted or dressed.

Six per cent of people have complained to senior management about the remarks, but more than half feel that it wasn't resolved.

For one in 20 workers, the comments got so bad that they have even considered taking legal action.

But 38 per cent of people admit they have no idea how to go about it if this is what they decided to do.

A spokesman for www.LawOptions.co.uk added: "Taking steps to resolve an unsavoury work situation can seem daunting but facing the issue with knowledge on your rights in the workplace is only way to resolve the unwelcome and intimidating behaviour. With the Christmas party and annual appraisal season upon us, bosses and colleagues can get carried away with the either the frivolity or their position of power. With a tough economic climate still surrounding us, it is more important than ever that employees feel they can resolve issues in the workplace rather than feel they have to leave."

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