Timothy Radke's New Book 'Come and See' is a Spellbinding Quest Where the Future of Mankind Lies in the Hands of an Ordinary College Student

Fulton Books author Timothy Radke, a promising author from Texas, has completed his most recent book "Come and See": an apocalyptic novel where the ordinary life of college student Andrew Daltoy is turned upside down after getting dragged into a competition that concerns the safety of the world. The winner will have to bear the responsibility of ending the world. This may be a messy and unfathomable situation, but will Andrew fulfill the winner's responsibility if ever he wins the competition?

Radke shares, "Come and See is the story of Andrew Daltoy, an average college student who does not know that he is about to be thrust into a difficult situation. Regardless of what he believes, he is about to have a hand in history as one of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. Who can he trust with this earth-shattering secret, and who would stick by someone after learning such a secret?

"Andrew learns that he is going to be dragged into a competition between the horsemen and the winner gets the grand prize of kicking off the end of the world. He will be pulled between the horrible responsibility of his destiny and having to give up what he wants to keep - those he loves, and the world - safe. Will Andrew win the contest and end the world, or will he lose it all trying to save it all?

"Will his sacrifice be worth what he will be required to give up to keep his loved ones safe and secure? Will Andrew even be the same person when the contest is over? Can he stop those that will stop at nothing to end it all, even if it requires the unthinkable?"

Published by Fulton Books, Timothy Radke's book is a gripping fiction that will leave the readers in awe of its fast-paced and concise storytelling. The storyline may be familiar, but Timothy Radke's writing skills are not to be underestimated.

This is a striking novel that one would definitely enjoy.

Readers who wish to experience this stirring work can purchase "Come and See" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books