Tier 1 Event Management, Inc. Builds Environment of Success

The Tier 1 Event Management, Inc. office is filled with energy and character. Company Director of Operations, Lucia, indicated that her cultural development efforts are intended to help accelerate the firm's growth.

​Success in the sales and marketing industry requires a team of driven and creative individuals. At Tier 1 Event Management, Inc., the leadership team has determined that the best way to accomplish this is to establish a culture in which collaboration, innovation, and ambition are celebrated. Lucia revealed that this approach has already been quite successful.

“Professionals spend so much time in their offices,” she said. “It only makes sense that the work environment should be enjoyable. This isn’t just a matter of team member satisfaction; having a positive culture helps our associates to be more creative and gives them the energy to make their ideas reality.”

"Coming together to do something positive is very beneficial for our firm,"

Lucia , Director of Operations

Additionally, the Tier 1 Event Management, Inc. team has become more collaborative due to Lucia’s efforts. In particular, they have been coming together for various team-building events. Most recently they hosted a skate night. Also, during the holiday season team member Chanel organized a sock drive to help the local homeless population.

“Coming together to do something positive is very beneficial for our firm,” Lucia said. “Not only are we interacting outside of the normal work context, we are also collaborating to reach an important goal. Everyone can feel good about the positive effect we have when volunteering.”

Tier 1 Event Management, Inc.’s Director on Cultural Development

According to Lucia, the Tier 1 Event Management, Inc. team has employed a number of innovative techniques to foster the firm’s culture. She suggested an intrapreneurship competition as one way to promote an innovative and energetic environment. It is a great chance for team members to share their ideas for growing the firm through a friendly competition.

“Our team is made up of people who have great ideas and want to see them executed,” she said. “This is an amazing way to get everyone excited about sharing. I also strongly recommend giving team members public shout-outs for their hard work. This has the added benefit of supporting desirable behaviors such as taking risks.”

Office events tend to be very influential in terms of culture. Lucia stated that she created a culture calendar that includes information on all company events as well as notable dates such as birthdays.

“This is visible to the whole team so everyone can stay up to date,” she said. “It has been very effective at getting people more involved in company events. Also, it is a nice reminder that things like birthdays are important to us. These simple but effective tricks have really helped our culture at Tier 1 Event Management, Inc.”

About Tier 1 Event Management

Tier 1 Event Management is a leading interactive marketing firm. They specialize in distinctive sales promotions that engage consumers. Each campaign is backed by cutting-edge data analysis that presents an accurate picture of the targeted consumer’s needs and desires. This ensures well-crafted messages that resonate with the intended audiences. The firm’s specialized approach produces higher conversion rates and profitability than traditional advertising methods. Due to their success, Tier 1 Event Management has continued to expand to new markets. Learn more by visiting their website tier1eventmanagement.com.