Thomas William Thorndike's New Book 'Agent 2 Inmate' Is a Compelling Account About Federal Prosecutors and the US Justice System

Fulton books author Thomas William Thorndike, a former US Treasury Department special agent, an executive at the thirtieth largest company in America at the time, Union Carbide Corporation, has completed his most recent book "Agent 2 Inmate": a brave and honest exposition that unmasks the rotten system in the Federal Justice Department. This is a thorough reminiscence of the author's experience as he fights for his innocence against the lies, deception, and illegal deeds of the bullies hiding behind the white hats. Here, he reveals how the corruption starts from the very top down to the judges, prosecutors, agents, and the police.

Thorndike shares, "I lived among these dishonest tactics but would not acquiesce to these unethical practices while performing my duties as a young US Treasury special agent, only to become disillusioned with the overzealous prosecutors trying, to no avail, to insist on me testifying to lies just to convict otherwise innocent defendants.

"I left these criminals to pursue a career in private practice where I found true integrity and honor among top-flight executives at Union Carbide Corporation. I traveled the world, climbed to the highest ranks of international business, and later began my own tax and investment consulting firm, only to fall victim to the same monsters I worked for some thirty-five years earlier.

"This is the story of my orphan childhood, only to push myself through high school, college, graduate schools on my own and to gain admittance to some of the most difficult positions to obtain...These people are not our friends, nor are they here to help. You will hear my survival stories as a child, an adult, and a sixty-three-year ex-Federal agent entering Federal prison to challenge my final survival performance."

Published by Fulton Books, Thomas William Thorndike's book is an illuminating read that highlights his fight for justice. From a man who was once an agent working for the system, to the man who was betrayed by it; the author presents the dark truth on how this system does not really care if the defendant is innocent, as long as the situation favors them.

Thomas William Thorndike proves that the way to unveiling the truth may not be linear; but when God's on your side, anything is possible.

Readers who wish to experience this revealing work can purchase "Agent 2 Inmate" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books