Thomas Francs' New Book 'Trucker's Guide for the Beginning Truck Driver' is an Essential Guidebook for Aspiring Truck Drivers

Fulton Books author Thomas Francs, a graduate of California State University Stanislaus, a licensed Commercial Driver who worked at trucking companies for thirty-five years, has completed his most recent book "Trucker's Guide for the Beginning Truck Driver":  an extensive manual created to provide information on what to expect while starting out in the trucking industry. This insightful volume touches on the significant topics that are not discussed or taught at the driving school.

Thomas writes, "This guide is for individuals looking to become a truck driver or just graduated from truck driving school. The information in this guide will go well beyond what you learn in truck driving school or from a driver trainer. The guide is not for preparation to take the CDL exams, it is for information about different trucking procedures and what you should know as a beginning truck driver.

· Learn about different types of truck driving jobs and how to find the right one for you.

· Learn what you should know and what to look for when searching for a truck driving job.

· Learn about loading, unloading, and weight distribution procedures.

· Learn the different basic procedures used at Shipping and Receiving facilities

· Learn about cargo container terminals and intermodal procedures.

· The information in this guide will help you to succeed as a truck driver."

Published by Fulton Books, Thomas Francs' book is a must-read piece aimed especially for those who are interested in establishing a career in the truck-driving industry. Moreover, this is also beneficial for those truck-driving school graduates who aspire to broaden their knowledge on this field.

Readers who wish to experience this comprehensive work can purchase "Trucker's Guide for the Beginning Truck Driver" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

Source: Fulton Books