Third Coast Events Developing Company Using Culture
Houston, TX, May 1, 2015 ( - The interactive marketing services provider has a reputation for offering a supportive and optimistic work environment. As Dana explained, this is no accident. She, along with the help of her management team, works to foster this culture every day. They do this because they believe it is the key to success in their industry.
“Service companies thrive on the talent of their team members,” she said. “While we can train our people, create procedures, and establish standards, ultimately the most important aspect of great service is whether our team wants to do a good job or not. We are able to motivate them to be passionate about their work through our company culture.”
"We also teach people to have confidence in themselves and each other,"
Dana, President
She stated that culture isn’t just about positivity and respect, although those are important. It is also about trusting team members to always try their hardest. Dana indicated that when you believe an associate will produce excellent work, he or she usually will. However, if you believe he or she needs to be micromanaged, results will suffer.
“Our culture is predicated on the trust we have for our team,” she added. “We believe in them and they impress us all the time. I think a lot of organizations get this wrong. They think that they need to teach people how to perform. We just equip them with the skills they need and give them the trust and respect they require to get the job done.”
Third Coast Events’ President Discusses Developing Culture
Dana explained that Third Coast Events takes a progressive approach to cultural development. “Our management team doesn’t set a cultural standard that the associates are expected to follow,” she said. “Instead, we teach our managers how to treat team members. By creating a sense of working together and supporting one another, the culture just falls into place.”
She also pointed out that respect is another major part of culture. The entire team must know that respecting each other is essential to everyone’s success. To help foster this, Dana and her colleagues organize regular team nights that bring everyone together and develop trusting relationships between them.
“We also teach people to have confidence in themselves and each other,” she added. “When everyone is working in a trusting, respectful, and driven environment filled with confidence, we have a recipe for success.”
About Third Coast Events
Third Coast Events is an innovative marketing and consulting services firm. Focused on events-based marketing, the firm has created a notable track record of successful campaigns that leverage a personal touch often lacking in other marketing channels. By emphasizing brand loyalty and customer lifetime value, Third Coast Events creates a mutually beneficial situation for its clients and their customers. This approach has empowered a broad portfolio of brands to achieve maximum market saturation and to enter new, lucrative markets.