slashes price on GeoTrust True BusinessID with EV to $149/yr

One of the most effective ways to establish trust online is by making sure your web site is secure-and making sure your customers know it.

For a limited time,, a leader in Internet security solutions, is offering their GeoTrust True BusinessID with Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificate for just $149 per year. That's an 81% savings off the regular price of $1,573.

"Extended Validation (EV) SSL has proven to be a key factor in overcoming customer reluctance to do business online. Companies that secure their web sites with EV SSL report an average increase in transactions of over 20 percent. That's because EV SSL turns address bars green in most mainstream browsers such as IE7 and above for an extra layer of site security that customers can see and trust." says John Tuncer, founder of St. Petersburg based "As a result of the verification process, the GeoTrust True BusinessID with Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificate provides Internet users more self-assurance when they conduct online transactions." CEO John Tuncer stated, "It's our pleasure to serve our customers in the best way and we're committed to offering the lowest prices. As one of the largest Platinum Partners for GeoTrust, we're able to offer the GeoTrust True BusinessID with Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificate at this exceptional value for a limited time."

Give your customers the confidence they need to order from you. Find out more about this exclusive offer at Offer ends soon.

Based in St. Petersburg, Florida, has helped companies and organizations of every size around the globe secure their e-commerce and Internet communications since its founding in 2007. A leader in Internet security solutions, ( offers affordable Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificates, 24/7 support, and sophisticated e-commerce products that are easy-to-use. has provided SSL certificates ( for multinational companies and top universities throughout the world, allowing them to encrypt communications and commerce over the Internet and to increase trust and transactions. Among the Internet security solutions offers are SSL certificates from VeriSign, Thawte, GeoTrust, and RapidSSL.
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