Therapeutic Teddy Bears for Caged Migrant Children

SAN FRANCISCO, October 1, 2019 ( - Caring for Children Worldwide, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, in conjunction with trauma intervention teams, is working to provide much-needed trauma relief to the migrant children who have been emotionally brutalized by cruel and inhumane separation from their parents and confinement in border detention cages without necessary supplies or attention to their needs.
Thousands of teddy bears are bound for the border to comfort those kids recently released from ICE detention cages.
According to noted child psychiatrists Richard Lieberman and Paul Horton, author of "SOLACE," a teddy bear is “more than a toy.”
Rather, a teddy bear is an emergency emotional medicine intervention known to reduce anxiety and the symptoms of anxiety, such as bed-wetting and night terrors. The teddy bear becomes a special friend to have and hold when a child is sad, lonely or afraid. To date, thousands of teddy bears have been delivered to various Texas transition centers serving migrants released from ICE detention.
The next shipment will leave the Bay Area on Oct. 19, 2019, as part of an ongoing effort to mitigate the harm done. Caring for Children Worldwide is seeking volunteers and donations to join in this effort to bring low-cost, highly effective therapeutic Teddy Bears and other supplies desperately needed to the border.
For volunteering, please contact or call (415) 448-6041. For donating to this campaign, please go the Caring for Children Worldwide donation page on the website:
Caring for Children Worldwide
Samantha Grier MSW
(415) 448-6041
Source: Caring For Children