The Ujenzi Charitable Trust Launches Its Next Chapter With New Website

The Ujenzi Charitable Trust has taken a massive step in their next stage of outreach and growth with the launch of their newly designed website,

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The Ujenzi Charitable Trust, a growing nonprofit providing life-saving innovations to resource-poor communities, commences its next phase of development with the launch of their new website. 

The Ujenzi Charitable Trust helps deliver ultra-low-cost solutions to preventable health challenges in impoverished communities that need them. The organization’s efforts support local educators, programs for sustainable healthcare, and the overall improvement of basic human rights, especially for women and children. 

The new website highlights some of the world's most pressing humanitarian challenges and explains the low-cost innovations we are bringing to market to help solve them.

Dr. Thomas F. Burke, Ujenzi Chairman, founder, and Chief of the Division of Global Health and Human Rights at Massachusetts General Hospital

Two of their most impactful, ultra-low-cost medical innovations are:

1.    The “Every Second Matters for Mothers and Babies™ - Newborn and Infant Respiratory Bundle (ESM - NIRB)”: A specially designed healthcare kit designed to save newborns from preventable respiratory distress deaths which includes breathing equipment and apparatus, checklists, training manuals, and wall charts.

2.    The “Every Second Matters for Mother and Babies – Uterine Balloon Tamponade (ESM-UBT)”: An easy to use, safe, and highly cost-effective package that provides training for medical personnel in partnering countries and a uterine balloon device that can be used to avert postpartum hemorrhage.

With a volunteer-filled staff and virtually no overhead costs, the organization is a highly efficient charity that is able to utilize close to 100 percent of contributions to directly help people in need. 

“The new website highlights some of the world’s most pressing humanitarian challenges and explains the low-cost innovations we are bringing to market to help solve them,” Dr. Thomas F. Burke, Ujenzi Chairman, founder, and Chief of the Division of Global Health and Human Rights at Massachusetts General Hospital, said. “As our organization continues to grow, this new site will make it easier for donors to see the great human impact of their contributions.”

The Ujenzi Charitable Trust’s board includes renowned physicians, entrepreneurs, and researchers who have united under the mission of creating a healthier reality for communities across the globe. Together, the board has worked tirelessly to create a charitable organization that delivers viable, reusable, long-term healthcare solutions for preventable health challenges to the families that need them.

“What Ujenzi has already accomplished is remarkable, and I’m delighted to join the team and help communicate these high impact solutions through the new website,” Geoff Cudd, Head of Marketing and Technology, said. “The solutions Ujenzi provides have already saved a great many lives of the poor and vulnerable and we are rapidly positioning ourselves to scale these solutions throughout the developing world.”

Source: Ujenzi Charitable Trust

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About Ujenzi Charitable Trust

The Ujenzi Charitable Trust provides support for programs in Africa that improve basic human rights, especially for women and children in vulnerable populations.

Ujenzi Charitable Trust
22 Welgate Road
Medford, MA

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