The Trust Store Officially Releases The California Senior News Blog

The Trust Store Today Announces the Official Release of The California Senior News Blog, A Daily News Service of Primary Interest to Seniors, Baby Boomers, and Eldercare Providers in the State of California.

The Trust Store Estate Planning Attorneys, (, announced today that they have officially released The California Senior News Blog. The blog is broken down into eight sections surrounding areas of interest to the California Senior, Baby Boomer, and Eldercare communities. The blog can be found in the Resources section located at The Trust Store website.

On the home page of The California Senior News is the Breaking News stories of the day. The other categories located to the left of the Breaking News, are Senior Housing, Senior Money & Financial Planning, Elder Legal Issues, Senior Health & Wellness stories, Medicare & Medi-Cal Developments, Senior Recreation, and finally a section for Senior Caregivers. To the right of the Breaking News is a list of the most currently popular stories at The California Senior News.

Within each of the eight categories of The California Senior News, the most recent stories pertaining to that section are listed first and older stories follow in descending order. A broad breadth of stories in each category are covered. Some of the more interestesting subjects covered in each category are as follows:

1) Senior Housing - The unique types of senior housing, safety tips for the elderly living at home, California public policy on assisted living retirement communities, how entrepreneurs are capitalizing on the senior housing boom by giving seniors exactly what they want and need, as well as the latest senior housing developments in California.
2) Senior Money & Financial Planning - Stories about Baby Boomer second career trends, CalPERS retirement funds, new California financial regulations, asset protection techniques, financial retirement planning strategies, long term care insurance, and the business of aging.
3) Elder Legal Issues - Stories about financial elder abuse, the latest estate planning techniques and issues, California legal policy changes affecting the elderly, celebrity will and trust issues, legal advanced health care planning, tips on how to liquidate estates and avoid conflict, and social security changes.
4) Senior Health & Wellness - Numerous stories about new developments with dementia and Alzheimer's disease, celebrity health news, health care technology, exercise and diet, health care public policy changes, senior cosmetic procedures, anti-aging and long life secrets.
5) Medicare & Medi-Cal Developments - California long term care and Medi-Cal stories, Alzheimer care plans, long-term care insurance, Medicare deductibles and co-insurance updates, Medicare fraud, and Medicare prescription drug plans.
6) Senior Recreation - Stories about entertainment appealing to more mature audiences, how technology enhances senior lifestyle, retirement dating, social networking for the Boomer generation, Boomer and Senior sports, and the more entertaining as well as appealing places to retire.
7) Senior Caregivers - Stories on tips and tricks for eldercare providers, corporate eldercare benefits, tips for the grieving, the business of aging, the sandwich generation, eldercare mediation, technology helping caregivers, and respite care.

The California Senior News Blog is the first place on the web that provides daily updates of news stories pertaining specifically to California seniors, baby boomers, and eldercare providers. Randall Kaiden, licensed California attorney-at-law and principal owner of The Trust Store, said "now Californians have a place to go in order to find out the latest California Senior News. Plus, like many of the tools and resources at The Trust Store, this service is made available to Californians free of charge." Combined with The Trust Store's other elderly resources, this is just one more value added benefit for Californians to enjoy.

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