The Singles Scene Column© With Revolution Dating's Founder Kelly Leary

Kelly's dating advice will help people refocus on what is truly important in life, so that they can find love.
Kelly Leary with Revolution Dating Gives New Dating Advice in the Single Scene Column©

​Kelly Leary from Revolution Dating just wrote an article for The Singles Scene Column. Here are excerpts from the March 2020 column.​

"1. Stop Doubting Yourself. You’re either working hard or have worked hard your whole life. I ask many of my retired clients: 'When is it your turn?' Why did you wait so long to come see us?  Go have some fun before you are too old to enjoy it! 

"2. Minimize Time Killers. Cease gossiping and avoid those who gossip. Decrease your social media time. Who needs #FakeNews when you can live in the real world touching, hugging and laughing together? Get off those time-wasting online dating sites. Stop dating that man or woman that you know is just not the 'one.'

"3. Fear of Rejection is Fool's Gold. You will regret the things you didn’t do way more than the things you did. Think Vince Lombardi, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey. Rejection didn’t imprison them, so why should it freeze you? Quitters never win and winners never quit. The you of the past that loved life is still inside of you. 

"4. Cool Down Urges to Overindulge. Overdoing in food, drink, or any other vice is a surefire way to sabotage the balance of your mind and body. Overindulging will block your dreams of a life of love and happiness. If you find yourself to be overindulging and doing things you should not be doing or dating people you should not be dating, you are only destroying the chances of being the best you and opening up your center for love. 

"5. 'Move!' Movement is key and is a cure for mild depression and/or anxiety. The next time you find yourself plopping down on the couch after dinner, go for a 30-minute walk instead. The rewards of action versus stillness are too profound to measure. Your mind will relax and create more space for loving people and thoughts. 

"6. Reconnect by Disconnecting. Instead of spending time alone in front of the television (in fantasy land) or computer (online dating), make a date with someone you would like to get to know better--or make an appointment with me. (Do call quickly as my schedule is already filling up for the month of March.) If you don't know anyone to connect with, we can help make an introduction for you

"7. Explore! Make new friends and see new places. Challenge yourself. Awaken. It's good for your brain...not to mention your love life and your body. Dare to do something out of your daily grind. Variety is the 'spice of life' and will complement your life, your year, your mind, heart and soul. You deserve it."

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Source: Revolution Dating